Paper, Mixed Media, Art Journaling Craftalong 2023

Sticking and plonking some stuff in my junk journal.


Fabulous! You’re inspiring me to Just Do Some Art. I spend far too much time thinking about it and not doing it.


Dooo itttt!


I did do it!! :smile_cat:

April’s prompts - I think I got them all in this time :orange_heart: it’s a heart shaped piece, the black background is not part of it.

I also made some progress on a piece I started using February’s prompts, but that’s still not done.


I love it!


Sooo cool!!

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Love it! Especially the little wink of having “tape” on the dictionary page.


Haha, I wondered if anyone would notice that! In New Zealand we would say you deserve a chocolate fish!

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The heart shaped is so good! How’d you manage to get it so symmetrical?! I always seem to rip it in the wrong place. :roll_eyes:

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Thanks everybody!

@curiousfae I did sketch a rough heart on the back of the painted paper to follow. I often freehand when I’m using scissors, but with tearing I find it’s just a bit tricky to get the shape I want.


Having fun with Portrait Petite today. It felt good to get my journal out again.

I used a recent pic of @sheepBlue for the portrait on the right. :laughing: I wouldn’t say it looks like her but it was inspired by her.

Even Ruby did some faces with me:



OMG Abbie! The portrait made me laugh - what picture did you use! But I love the character in them all so much, they’re so great!

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Hahahaha…the “serious Em” photo from our chat. :grin: I just love your new hair cut so much lol. It’s inspiring! :heart:

Aww thank you :joy:

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Those are great! I totally forgot that the class started…hopefully, I will have a chance to do some this weekend!

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Wow, these are brilliant!! I love how much personality and life you put in your drawing!


These are fantastic! I really dig your style. The colors and shapes in the third one are especially cool!

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Love these @Abbeeroad! Need to work on faces.

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More prompt ides:

Paper dolls
Add fabric
Stitch something
Water soluble crayons/pencils
Paint with your fingers


:alarm_clock: :fly: :fly: :fly: TIME FLIES WHEN YOU’RE MAKING THINGS :yarn: :scroll: :sewing_needle: :art: :birthday:

We’ve just over a day and a half until the Peek Behind The Curtains Challenge closes! I just know some of you have made some art that you have not given their own topic. Please share with us before Midnight on April 19 2023, US Pacific Time.


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