Paper & Mixed Media Craftalong 2020

I have that gelli press! You will be glad to have the larger acrylics once you get going! I save my smaller tubes of acrylic paints for finished art pieces but I really like the bottled ones to do masterboards and use the brayers! You are going to have so much fun! One idea leads to another and another and another! You can gelli press anything…junk mail, cardboard…I think I will do that over the holidays.


I made a strip last night just to see how I like it. I haven’t stitched it yet and it’s not embellished in anyway but it was fun and definitely a good way to use up scraps.


I made a few too! It was very satisfying to finish a strip :slight_smile: I was going to try not sewing, but I think it would be much better with some stitching to hold it together so I’ll have to setup my machine one of these days :slight_smile: I still have a pile of scraps but I can almost see my table under the mess! :sweat_smile:


I have made the snippet strips with just glue but I may try one with stitching too.

@PrincessP - You are going to have soooo much fun! You don’t have to set your alarm - you’ll be up all night printing!

A bit of beginner advice - collect some things from your house that you can use to make marks in the paint before you start printing - toys, packaging, cardboard tubes, pet toys (if the pets aren’t using them!), bottle caps and string. Have a blast!


I have the same paint set and a brand new Gelli plate waiting for me to figure out how to use it! I’ll be excited to see your prints!

For the zoom I’m hoping to be cutting out some wonky bits (pending if my supplies arrive before then). Any one have favorite scissors for doing a lot of fussy cutting?


I own a few pairs of Fiskars titanium coated detail scissors…I absolutely love them…nothing sticks to them, washi tape, glue, etc. I can fussy cut quite easily with them…I sometimes also use my stork embroidery scissors. Here are the ones I got from Amazon…watch the little video that they show…you can see how they can be of advantage to us who use a lot of glues… :joy:

Micro tip scissors

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These are so fun! I’ve made seven so far :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: here are four of them (kinda hard to tell them apart from my paint splattered table…)



I had to jump on this idea and used almost every last strip of paper I have! I had previously glued full-length strips onto scrap cardstock sheets, but stalled there…until the video introduced multiple sizes and shapes layered together, and that really did the trick for me. So most of mine are in masterboard form, but I also have one really long strip I’ll keep adding to as I encounter more strips.

I am hoping to get out and go car camping over the weekend, but if The Need to Craft takes over then I’ll check in Monday morning to get on the Zoom list.


Holy cow! I have missed so much! But, now that I am making this the “Summer of DONE!” I will be giving myself the freedom to craft without guilt. And, I’m so happy to see that there’s a Zoom on Monday! Hooray! I have purchased a bunch of stencils and stamps specifically for mixed media, so I’m excited to gather them up and play with them.


Oh!! My!! Goodness!!
This is the most funnest of fun :grinning::grinning::grinning:

I haven’t even busted out the fancy acrylics, just child paint that I’ve had for yonks. The neons are ah-mazing!
I have ordered some slightly heavier card stock which will arrive tomorrow, but I couldn’t wait so I just used the flimsy printer paper I had because I wanted to play.
@Smmarrt you are so right! You could do this for hours :smiley:
Between them I used: acrylic paint, watercolour brush pens, alcohol ink brush pens, alcohol inks, gesso and matt medium


I used all the scraps on my craft table! :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face: I just started playing with the finished strips, here’s one that I folded in half, did a straight stitch around the edges with a little shaping in top, trimmed, and tada! It’s a bookmark :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


It is so great to see everyone having so much fun!

I totally forgot what I was saving security envelopes for so I decided to stamp some and see what I could make! I don’t have a lot of stamps other than for textures and making masterboards…

Then of course, I had lots of scraps to use for making my strips as well…and then I remembered I was going to use them to collage on a masterboard and make some mini books…we have an endless list of things to make!!!


Those hearts look great with the security envelope background :ok_hand:t2:

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I’ve been having so much fun doodling

Lesson 2, Scribble Doodles … reminded me I used to do similar when I was young. In my packed belongings, I have a small treasure box that I think has a few. Now I’m excited to find it when we unpack and check

Lesson 3, Spiral Doodles


I love the first one @Cindy :hugs:

12x12 paper stand come gelli print drying rack…winning!

And to think I was just about to list this on buy, swap, sell because I’m trying to declutter my studio :scream: that would have been a mistake!


That’s my favourite of all I’ve done. I did smaller Scribble doodles first then attempted a larger one. So relaxing!


My biggest challenge with gelli printing is having enough surfaces/places to put the prints while drying! lol :laughing: Thankfully they dry quickly so sometimes my first ones are ready to stack before I’m done with the rest :wink:


We printed outside to have enough room but that meant paper blew around the yard.
I brought a clothes drying rack out & used bulldog clips to hold pages onto the bars.

I am Loving all the gellies & the doodles & the SCRAPINESS! Oh, you know I keep all the little pieces…


That drying rack is great

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Ooh, voting for next swap round is up & it includes master boards and 4x6! Summer is the busiest for me but even I can swing one of those. Or both :laughing: