Paper & Mixed Media Craftalong 2020

Dunno. I just looked it up and returned nothing useful

I feel like it starts with an F, but I honestly can’t remember the word.

I started to say “forced perspective,” but I’m pretty sure that’s something else.

My first thought was mashup but I think that’s more for combining themes. But not positive.

OH MY GOSH! The word I couldn’t remember was JUXTAPOSITION!

I may not have described it well enough, but that is definitely the word.

Fun fact: this was not the first time I had forgotten that word.



That is not an f word.


No, no it is not. I was WAAAAAYYYYY off. No wonder I couldn’t figure it out.


Resplendent is an awesome word. I actually texted that to my man the other day & saved the text so I’d remember myself. We should do a favourite word swap!


Combining unlikely elements like an animal head with a human body is more likely some sort of “morphism”…zoomorphism …although I have not heard that term much in the art community…

I’m so down for that!

Those are pretty awesome words too!

I think I want to make a collection of favorite word ATCs…I read a lot and sometimes a word just stands out and haunts me…

quintessential … effervescent…acquiesce…I love words…


That would be a fun pocket letter!


YES! Lol I would need a lot of them…right now I am looking at my original print from a friend who was a master in zetti and trying to get inspired…not sure I can get into it but going to try it anyway…

I posted it as a potential swap on disc, so if you are interested, go vote!!


I voted! Yippee!


I like the controversial words people don’t think are correct but they actually are. Like irregardless. Yes, it is a word. So is Supposably.
The man got me with “extensible”. I said extendible but we looked it up and they are neither one more correct than the other!
Phrases too. Could of, should of, would of (the “of” is supposed to be “have”).
Language is cool!

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Just because they are words doesn’t have anything to do with usage…I don’t like the word “irregardless” because it just sounds awful to my ears…kinda (sic) like “it doesn’t got no meaning”…

I think there is a lot of opportunity to craft around language, colloquialisms, books, phrases, etc. I started a list of some words I love…kerfluffle…catawampus…that one is fun because it has two acceptable spellings…

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Woot! I keep forgetting that the Discord channel is still active, now that we’ve got a home here. Now, where’s my “I voted!” sticker…? :grin:

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I like stickers! And voting, fo sho! I will go check it out!

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