Paper & Mixed Media Craftalong 2022

Nice!!! You did a great job making those from your own artwork!

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I do think it kind of looks like a mouth. I started doing the circles and then realized that was too actual-flower-like for me. But then I didn’t have any bright ideas about what to put in the center instead. Overall I enjoyed that exercise a lot more than I thought I would, though.

That’s kind of where I am. I’m trying to be game to experiment doing all the exercises, but I also keep reminding myself that not every lesson will be for everybody, and that’s okay.


I’ve just sat down to start painting, bought the class, then realised that I might have to wait up to 24 hours for the class to arrive in my inbox… boo!
I’m going to paint some backgrounds and pray to the email gods :pray:


I have that same deviled egg dish! Never thought about using it as a paint palette but it would be perfect for that.


Small flower stem doodles

Catch up doodles:
Scribble doodles

Curvy doodles—I need practice on making curvy lines


Leaves. I really like the first one…but I did it upside down in my journal!

Circle Dash

Another big flower


LOVE your scribble doodles!!

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A little off topic but if you follow Julie Fei-Fan Balzer on Instagram, she is showing all of the Artful Holiday projects so clever women like us can just observe and re-create!


Also, Drew Steinbrecher is offering a free board book/gel print class - the link in on his Instagram bio.


Caught up! And a little flowered out, lol.


I’m in!
Here are the pages I finished last night. I just had a go by myself, inspired by the work you shared above, thank you :hugs:

My background acrylic paint isn’t matt :grimacing: let’s hope the pages don’t stick together.
Also, any tips for how to clean acrylic paint off the palette?


Wait for it to dry and peel it off.


You also rub wax paper over the pages when completely dry, the wax will help with the paint/paper not sticking.


@Abbeeroad Such pretty flowers! I really love the last one…the colorful background really sets off those flowers!

@PrincessP so glad you are playing along! I love that you can see your background through the big spaces in the circles. The shapes of the last one are really cool…


I think your flower is adorable, reminds me of a cartoon Venus Fly Trap :smiley:

@Abbeeroad your bottom flowers are such great shapes.

@AIMR your black and white scribbles :heart_eyes:

Everyone is doing so well with this class! I’m bummed I can’t participate along with each day. I was going to skip looking at this thread because I was getting discouraged but decided to enjoy all your work now and when I’m feeling better, I’ll pick and choose the ones I really want to make. She is duplicating a lot from her Doodle It class, just in smaller scale.


I have been thinking of you! Hope you guys feel better soon! I have been unusually tired lately, so I have been taking 3-6 hour “naps” in the middle of the afternoon! I have been doing a lot of the classes very late in the evening…

I agree…just do the ones that you like! I do multiples of the ones I like and just try the ones I don’t care for. I have been keeping notes and learning from not just the classes, but also from all the posts here! Take care, dear friend!

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Some backgrounds I painted this morning before we took a little drive to a quilt store :heart_eyes:

After watching the first video I saw that it’s ok for the colours to moosh together :sweat_smile: so I was a bit free-er and it was really fun.

I plan to use these pages for the leaf (or other nature) designs


I had to laugh when I saw your big flowers, because…

Today’s fought me (related: all white gel pens are on my s–t list). I managed to bring it around to something that kind of matches the prompt, I think, but sheesh.


I started another doodle journal with today’s lesson. I am waiting for the cover of the other journal to dry so I can take pictures of yesterday’s lesson.

Not sure I am really a flower person with doodles, but, it was interesting.
