Picnic Quilt

I made a wonky quilt!

I wasn’t sure what to call this - it’s not really for picnics, just for sitting out in the yard. :grin:

I wanted something I didn’t mind getting grass-stained, so it’s kind of a wonky mess. It’s made from 99% stash (I had to buy more thread).

For the top, I used a bag of fabric from the thrift store filled with random pieces of fabric and a bunch of circles. I’m not sure why I bought it, because I don’t know how to sew curves in a quilt. Especially not when I bought it several years ago. :laughing:

I cut the circles down into squares, sewed them into 3x3 blocks, and then sewed those blocks together.

(Almost all of the circles were small like the red ones.)

It was still a little small, so instead of making more squares, I sewed more fabric onto the edges. I used a fleece blanket for the batting, and the back is made from the legs of some jeans I bought for a project a while ago and never used.

(My helper had to ‘help’ me pin everything together.)

After quilting and trimming, I added the binding. I used double fold bias tape from my stash, quilting clips, and these tutorials: Fast and Easy Double Fold Bias Sewing and How to Sew Bias Tape Corners, The Fast Way.

(With help again - the binding was string-like, so she kept following me around.)

I had some cute tags in my stash, so I sewed one into the binding:

I forgot to look at the back after I pinned it all together, so there are a few spots where the backing got folded up:

This was thrown together, so it’s a bit of a mess and in no way perfect. For a different project, I would have ironed the fabric and my seams and been a lot more careful when quilting and trimming.

It still looks wonky after a wash, but it will protect me from grass stains and dirt. :grin:

ETA: The quilt is ~ 43" x 38".


I’m sure it will give you years of devoted service, and you’ll love all the time you get to spend on it outside in the sunshine with your family and friends.


What a great way to use up stash and turn it into something new and useful!


What a great way to use rescued fabrics and remnants! The wonkiness is what makes it great for laying it on the ground - if I’d have spent hours being super particular when making such a thing, I’d probably be sad about stains and dirt.


I love the random pattern in the center… it just says fun! What a good way to use up scraps. And I believe quilts should be used, stained, loved and used up.


Love it - sew it & use it, who needs perfection?!? It’s perfectly wonky!


Totally agree with this! If it was perfect, I’ll bet it would feel too precious to actually use for its intended purpose. It’s wonderful that you took a random bag of scraps and made a useful thing.


I keep trying to find the coded message in this one. It looks like it should be a pixelated message of something. :blush:

Great idea to use pieced denim for the back of a “utility” quilt. And puckers happen. Unless it’s for a juried showpiece… Who cares😁

(also. Even for a juried showpiece I wouldn’t care cause the quilt police have no jurisdiction here)

I personally think it is perfect.


The denim on the back is a fantastic idea. Your quilt looks great to me. I think the extra strips on the side draw focus better than extra square would have. Great choice!


Thank you all! You’ve all made me feel better about how wonky it is. :smiley:

@sloth003 - I kind of wish it had a coded message now - I’ll have to try that someday. :grin:

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It looks great and will certainly get lots of use! I find the things I’m not afraid to get dirty end up being my favorites.


:mag_right: :eyes: :telescope: :eyeglasses: Well, lookie here! Your cool craft is one of this week’s Featured Projects! Congratulations! :mag_right: :eyes: :telescope: :eyeglasses:


:open_mouth: Thank you! :smiley: :heart:

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Wonky definitely works. Enjoy the fresh air.


There’s something about this that gives off the vibes of a quilt my great aunt would have randomly pulled out of the closet in the 80s when the kids needed something to sit on while the adults talked for hours on end. Super nostalgic and not just because of the vintage prints!


I love this! So true!

Your quilt totally rocks! Perfect for hanging out in the yard or tossing into the trunk to sit on while watching fireworks or listening to music at a festival….


wonky is the best! I’ve crocheted a couple of wonky blankets for couch use and they are the best. Your quilt looks comfy!

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