Quiltalong - 2022

It looks awesome! Did you do the paper piecing? I skipped that by just doing 2 sets of regular flying geese because I find paper piecing them to be annoyingly overkill.


I did the paper piecing. Of course I did it the hard way lol.

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I just love how that block is so versatile with just a change of color! It turned out wonderful!

Ever since I discovered freezer paper piecing, I don’t mind it at all. I do like the extra pop of color in the pieced one but will do the flying geese as well.

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It’s wonderful with the dark and light. It is dun to see how we interpret and mix for so many different looks.


I, Abbeeroad submit my late April BOM

My HSTs were oriented wrong for the top and bottom rows so I had to pick and restitch. Wouldn’t feel right if I didn’t have to pick out at least one seam while piecing! :laughing:

I might just catch up this weekend!


I am loving your bold contrasts!

I join you in the pickers’ club… :rofl:


This block in particular really pops with the dark colors on top of the lighter one!

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Oooo pretty

I, AIMR, submit this LATE April BOM. I am caught up and ready to tackle June a bit early! The colors are a bit off as I used the weird light in the spare room instead of a more natural light. It goes well with the other batik blocks…I just hope I have enough to get me through the year!

I was also able to cobble together some more blocks from last year. I need to add borders and then actually finish it. I hope to send it to my nephew by the end of the summer. He and his wife had a baby girl!


Yay for catching up!! :tada:

Congrats to your nephew! What a perfect quilt top you just threw together! :magic_wand:

What a fun quilt top and a way to use up those quilt tops!

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-I MistressJennie submit this as my May BOM entry.

Just made it by the skin of my teeth! I realized the center component of the block was the same size as one of the Economy Blocks from last year, so I used that instead, giving me an extra square-within-a-square.


I am very impressed! The inset is perfect! This block will be another fabulous addition to your Halloween quilt!

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I love it!!

Great block!

I liked the Royal Star Block so much that I decided to make one for the WW quilt. I might make another using the way @abeeroad did hers…so many different looks can be done with all of these block patterns. So fun to see everyone’s take!


That’s beautiful!


@MistressJennie the economy block and the colors make this a real heirloom block. It is beautiful.

@AIMR The bright red and dark starry fabrics give me the fireworks feel. Or just plain exuberance! Wonderful.

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@MistressJennie - Your colors coordinate so well! I really like your use of the economy block for the center, it works perfectly!

@AIMR - your block looks so bright and fun!


Managed to finish the quilt top. Scrounging thru my stash to see what I can use for the backing. I am going to put it aside for a bit to clean my craft room and get in some art journal pages. I am feeling really anxious as my one year check up on my hip replacement is coming up…I know I have done everything I should, but, I still feel like I am not 100%. I hope good news is in store so I can move on.