Quiltalong - 2022

I was looking through my quilt pics and I don’t really have any I don’t like. I think that if I didn’t like one I would never have finished it. :laughing: I like all so far, my granddaughters, my grand niece and nephews, my DWs, my office one and couch potato one, and my moms. But I think the two porch quilts from 2021 Quilt Along are my favorites so far.

And somewhere is a picture of a galaxy game quilt for my oldest grandson that I barely remember…

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This is my quilt that I don’t really like. I’m working on it for a friend, I started yesterday and have the flimsy done. It fought me every step of the way. I honestly believe that chemo rewired my brain and I really struggle now with directions. So this should have been simple, I can’t tell you how many times I ripped out a block because the sashing was going the wrong way.

Anyway this bit is done. I don’t like it so much because of the colours, my friend does. These colours remind me of autumn. My least favourite time of the year. Just need to find a backing and wadding and hopefully get it finished today.



I wouldn’t have picked these colours either but some of those prints are gorgeous! I’m sure your friend will love it.

I still haven’t made my mind up about which ones are my favourites and least favourites. Glad I have another 3 weeks to think about it.

Today, I hope to finish two tops for baby quilts. One will be for a little boy who’s expected in a month or so. The other one isn’t destined for anyone yet but it will be a good stashbusting project.


I’ve got the first quarter of the Diamond Trip stitched together, and have laid out the second quarter to stitch this morning.


This has a “Moroccan” feel to me! The blue reminds me of the water and the fabrics are the colors you see in the spice markets…I love it!

@Edel … You can take the most unmatched and ugly colors and make such lovely quilts in the end! I like the colors…they don’t seem “autumn” to me with the blues and pinks…I love that pattern as well!


Finished stitching the second quarter while Ada took her long morning nap. Managed to get it attached to the first one, and laid out the third quarter just before she woke up. Progress!


I got it finished today. Not perfect by a long shot, there were issues but it’s done in time for a cold winter in Europe. Simple straight line quilting.


3/4 of the top is stitched together, and the final quarter is laid out to be stitched.


Jennie, that’s really lovely. I do like that pattern


Are we really going to get a cold winter?? I need to know, might need to get a move on with some projects


I don’t know for sure, but if the old wives tales about an abundant autumn of fruit are true- then definitely. But also given the massive increases in fuel and electricity costs, everyone will be affected. That is assuming they will be able to keep the lights on all winter!


Wow! I didn’t know that old wives tale.

It would figure that we would get a cold one with costs rising.


The other old wives tale I know is spiders and mice trying to get indoors very early in the season - we are definitely experiencing that right now. Plus of course the cost of heating. We’re getting a new rate on Oct. 1st and we’ve not heard how much our new monthly payment will be, but people around us are receiving their new rates and it’s shocking. My friend just heard their new monthly payment will be €550/month for a family of four in a two-bedroom flat, and they’re already quite frugal. We went from €75/month to €180/month six months ago and I’m bracing myself for twice that from Oct 1st.

WWII I think had the worst winters in the entire 20th century, several very cold winters in a row. I really hope we’re not at the start of a similar cold snap now… If it gets really cold we’ll just build a blanket fort in the living room and spend our weekends in there.


I think this is my plan too


We shut off any room that is not being used a lot and then use a small space heater in the den where we eat and watch tv. I dress warmly in my crafting room and use a small heater if I have to. But, we normally don’t get cold temperatures…around 40 degrees is cold here. We might get snow this year!

Our electricity in the US must be much cheaper than in Europe! I am complaining of a monthly bill of about $350 for a family of two in a four bedroom house! But, I was paying $180, so it has nearly doubled!

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We’re very dependent on Russian gas here, so the price of natural gas (that almost everyone uses for heating here) has gone through the roof now the Russians are cutting it off. Our rates are fixed for 3 months at a time, our current rate is €0,42 per kWh electricity and €1,85 per m2 of natural gas. That’s excl. taxes and supplier costs. The current market price is €0,80 / €4,12 so I’m sure our new rate will be terrible. Most suppliers have also stopped taking on new customers because of the unpredictable market. I think the taxes have been slightly lowered recently but I’m not sure if that would make a huge difference.

We actually have a lot of our own natural gas in the NL, but we stopped producing it for environmental reasons, which in itself wasn’t a bad idea (aside from climate change, gas production causes earthquakes that became a real issue) but it would have been better to switch to alternative energy sources instead of making ourselves dependent on another country. Our government is keeping silent about it so far, but everyone sort of expects them to start production of our own gas again soon. That would hopefully bring prices down a bit.

At least you are preparing with common sense methods…warmer clothing, layered, and cloth to cover windows, block doorways and windows, and quilts or blankets. Seems like our quilting skills are coming in handy!

I hope to work on some more blocks today to catch up with this thread!

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Winter and a lower setting on the thermostat is why we have 5 lap quilts for 2 people in our house!


Finished the quilt top!

Now I need to buy batting and find something for the back. I dug through my stash and nothing comes even somewhat close to coordinating.


That is great, the blues really pop