Quiltalong - 2022

I tested out a giant star block today to use in the backing. I used scraps from my color wash quilt.

And, here’s the panel I’m using:

I also played around with the bitty scraps from making quilt binding. Postage stamp HSTs! :joy:


The panel is perfect for the backing. I really like the red border, it frames it nicely!

That star block is huge, 6 of those and you’d have a good sized quilt! Big blocks = fast quilts, maybe I should try some big blocks! I like the colors you used to make it.

And I love the little postage stamp star :relaxed:.


I love that scrappy, colorful HST block!

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I, tendstowardschaos submit this as my February BOM entry:


I also managed to make January’s BOM this evening.


@tendstowardschaos both blocks are stunning. Very nice.

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Thank you!

I think I might use my pile of batik scraps to do the BOMs and turn it into a quilt at the end of the year. Along with whatever random blocks I want to try out and crumb blocks when I get down to the dregs.

I had left-over triangles from January’s block that I couldn’t resist…


I finally admitted defeat on Friday, and decided to scrap my plans for the Little Star Showers Baby Quilt. The project just wasn’t coming together right. I received the Honey Bun of batiks I ordered for it, but I felt like the rainbow was a bit uneven (a bunch of oranges and tomato reds, but no yellows or burgundies, etc.), and I couldn’t find fabrics I liked for the background and star points. It was getting to the point it just felt forced, and I’m a firm believer that when a project feels that way, it never comes out as good as one that seems to fall into place perfectly.

So I went back to the drawing board, and searched around for a new pattern. I settled on Joyful Stars from Cotton & Joy. I loved their use of ombre fabrics, to give each block multiple shades of one color, but it can also be done with charm squares or scraps. The pattern comes in 4 sizes, Baby, Throw, Twin, & King. I’m doing the baby size which is 3x3 blocks.

Yesterday I went to the nearby quilt shop, and the ladies working asked what I was making. I showed them the pattern and asked if they carried any ombre prints. Turns out all their bolts of ombres were put aside for their BOM challenge this year, but they had a FQ bundle with every single shade of the Fairy Stardust print seen in the example image above. Only problem? It was like 30 FQ’s, for $140, and I only needed 9. But the owner mentioned that she’d had the bundle on the shelf for nearly 2 years, and no one had bought it, so she offered to let me pick the 9 I liked best, and she’d sell them for their regular FQ price of $3.25! She and her coworker even dived in to help unfold the fabrics, and help me choose my favorites.

The blocks will be the rainbow FQ’s on the left. The charcoal grey will be the stars and sashing, the turquoise will be the backing, and the purple on the right will be the binding. They seemed weirded out by my choice of using black/nearly-black-charcoal on a quilt for a baby girl, but agreed that the colors would really pop against the dark background, and were overall enthusiastic about doing something different and unexpected. I promised I’d stop in to show them the finished quilt as soon as it’s done.

I got the ombre FQ’s cut yesterday, and am about to dive into cutting the background. Hope to have that done tonight.


Just luscious colors there.

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I got all the background cut, and the first of each of the star points on. Realized I wouldn’t have time do the second of each point before I had to stop for the night, so I just finished one block for fun.


I think it was wise to stop working on the star showers quilt and am really looking forward to seeing the completed version of your new quilt! I love the gradient colors you picked out, and that completed block looks really good!

@tendstowardschaos, I like all your batik blocks! Nice job getting caught up on the BOM. It’ll be fun to see what you end up coming up with when you put all the blocks together!


This is going to be beautiful, I can tell already!


Wow, I love the fabrics and the pattern, beautiful.


That’s going to be a stunning quilt!


For Januarys BOM I made it in all greens for the color in a box swap and then made up into a hotpad/mug rug for my partner. Working so can’t get my pics but I swiped this from mels posting when she recieved


Those are lovely!

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Really pretty! I love the center fabric with the butterflies, too.

-I **MistressJennie submit this as my February BOM entry.

Took an hour this morning to do the BOM to add to my pile from last year. I think my one crafting goal for the rest of the year, even after the baby arrives, will be to do the BOM’s. That’s about 1-2 hours of crafting a month, of time just for myself, and to maintain outside interests. I want my husband to take the time to play his ongoing D&D game with his cousins twice a month, and I’m sure he wants me to have the same opportunity. Let’s see if it works…


Gorgeous greens!

I had just a small piece of that so wanted to use it for her package and it fit perfect for that type of square!