I wrote a while back about a Dutch quilting course I started, written by two quilt shops owners. I received the first two installments around Christmas. A while back I had started cutting the pattern pieces and today I finally started stitching. I have never hand stitched quilt blocks like this, without paper pieces. I actually quite like making them and it’s faster than I thought it would be. In my work meetings, it’s required to have the webcam on, but tonight I had an online grad school class and we don’t turn on our webcams. I find that with online meetings and classes I really need to craft to be able to focus. If I’m not focussing on stitching, knitting, sewing or whatever I’m just temped to get distracted and read the news, Lettucecraft, you name it, anything but paying attention. Forcing myself to sew and listen actually helps me concentrate.
The light coloured fabric is from scraps in my stash, the others came with the kit.
I agree @Immaculata , I listen better if my hands are busy. Other wise I get distracted in meetings and have to do the old “could you repeat that? My connection glitched”
That looks so good! I was recently wondering about how your quilt course was going, so it’s nice to see an update. Is the kit made up of multiple blocks like this one?
Speaking of recently wondering - how’s the Dear Jane quilt coming along @craftADDchick?
I haven’t made any progress (not surprising), but my mom and my aunt both bailed out of making one! I’m hoping to use one of my school breaks (probably April) to get everything organized (templates printed, fabric prepped) so I can be ready to go once summer break hits. I’m hoping that I can work in spurts to get a few blocks done at a time and make decent progress on it over the summer!
Yes, the project is just this block repeated in different fabrics.
What I like about this course is that the projects are more like suggestions and not really kits where everything is decided for you. They don’t tell you exactly what the finished item should look like. This lesson is about hand sewing, the project is inspired by a vintage 1930s quilt that one of the authors owns. The kit included a selection of fabrics and a reusable plastic diamond-shaped template. They promise there’s enough fabric with each kit to make a 50 x 50 cm sampler. Right now I’ve got fabric cut out for 24 blocks but there’s a bit more fabric left. No plans for the finished project yet.