-I Edel, submit 4 goals for my first quarter goal list.
Quilt each for Ger and Maya
Finished my postcards from Sweden quilt
Housewarming quilt for carol
-I Edel, submit 4 goals for my first quarter goal list.
Quilt each for Ger and Maya
Finished my postcards from Sweden quilt
Housewarming quilt for carol
Here are my goals for Q2 2024;
Make a mugrug for brother 2
Make a tree-skirt for my xmas tree
Make a craft-themed wall-hanging for myself
A smaller wall-hanging with some sashiko-embroidery
Im thinking of making a blanket for my younger brother, but I havent really decided yet.
Second Quarter Goals
-Finish D&D mug rug & coffee warmer for Jim.
-Finish 3 “unexpected” & 1 “expected” Harry Potter kids quilts for donation. (2 Mary Grandpre, 1 cream/teal/brown, 1 black/red/yellow/green/blue)
-Make a Cool Waters top with Lemon Jellyroll and coordinating FQ’s.
-Finish Lemon Jellyroll quilt.
-Make Rose Garden Quilt (top) that I won from the Quiltalong.
-Finish the Rose Garden Quilt as a raffle donation for Jim’s family reunion.
I ordered border and binding fabric to go with the Layer Cake for my Rose Garden quilt. I won the pattern and Petite Layer Cake from our lovely leader back in 2020 or 2021, but haven’t had a chance to make it yet. The fabric line is out of print, but I found some on Etsy that was on clearance. Enough for a wide border of large deep pink roses, and a bright spring green binding. I will need to go shopping locally for a plain background and backing fabrics. I’ve been meaning to make it as a raffle prize for Jim’s family reunion since I won it, but was always too busy with other projects. Now I’m going to do it as part of my ‘quilt my way through as much stash as possible in 2024’ personal project.
Unfortunately, I won’t be doing much quilting or any other crafting during this quarter as I am packing to move before July.
The only supplies I can leave out until the last minute are a few knitting WIPS and embroidery.
But, I will be cheering you guys on and watching for fabulous projects!
2nd qtr goals:
Second Quarter Goals:
Thank you to everyone who has participated in the Quiltalong so far this year! The whole point of the Quiltalong is to act as a space where we can gather together to discuss our projects, support each other along the way, and be encouraged to work on and complete our quilting endeavors. I feel that we absolutely succeeded in that goal this first quarter!
There was a huge influx in participation and as a result we had 90 entries into the raffle drawing. I’m fairly certain that is the highest number of entries that we’ve had since the Quiltalong first began!
As a thank you for all the participation, I decided to choose two winners from the raffle.
Congratulations to our winners @Mvanrh11 and @MistressJennie!
You both managed to complete five of your goals and finished multiple quilts this quarter! You are both an inspiration!
I will be messaging each of you shortly in regard to your prizes.
Thank you so much for running this truly lovely Craftalong. It really is such a joy and inspiration. You’re amazing!
Thank you .
Ooh, I love the rainbow of colors! Those black squares are really setting of the colored squares.
@MistressJennie those black+color blocks are yummy.
I received 4 grocery bags of fabric remnants…mostly florals, a few solids, and some random upholstry and corduroy.
I sorted and grabbed the florals, not my favorites patterns, sorted into darks and lights, and started disapearing nine patch blocks with 5" squares. It was quick and easy but the results were way too busy. It will be a lap quilt size.
It hung on my pattern wall for a few weeks and then I finally had a solution! Now I can finish this up and donate.
I like it! I can see how overall the prints aren’t my style, but the way you sorted and grouped makes the piece feel cohesive.
I agree…your solution makes for a lovely lap quilt for anyone who likes floral prints. Good job making the best of it!
The green and black really make it pop. Lovely.
Nice color mix…will it be part of a larger quilt?
@marionberries Thank you!
@AIMR Yes, I have done the BOMs in green, grey and black, and will make a blanket for my best friend in december. Putting all the blocks together, and then have fleece or minky on the backside.