I know I posted these in the Use Those Fabric Scraps Craftalong back in 2020, but I don’t think I ever made a proper post of them (maybe on the old site, I don’t remember!). These were originally a Halloween costume for my girls when they were 2, but I recently repurposed them for a local Butterfly Festival we attended this past weekend.
They are pretty rough and ready, but still going strong 2-ish years after being made. I originally had them sewn directly onto a black long-sleeve t-shirt, but my girls have long outgrown the shirt. So, I unpicked the stitching connecting them to the shirt, stitched them together at the center, and added a couple t-shirt yarn strings that could be tied at the wrists. I pinned the center to whatever the girls were wearing.
What a great way of maximizing the usage of these wings! They are so beautiful and deserve to live on and on! I love the use of the hand dyed fabrics. The subtle shift of the shades and just the color variation within each patch really adds to the beauty of these wings!