Scrappy Quilted Coasters - Talk Scrappy to Me Challenge Entry

Quilting produces copious piles of fabric and batting scraps, and I have a hard time discarding anything over an inch. But, it’ll be a while before I’m up to making another large scrap project.

Our new bar and sitting room were in need of coasters, and I had a few bits of quilt sandwiches that were used to test my machine tension, and a big pile of HSTs left over from making quilt squares. I still have a huge pile of HSTs, because squaring up 1.5" squares is tedious.

They kind of look like sets, although slightly mismatched as scraps tend to be. One red/white/blue, the other various batiks.


Odd man out



They are all so nice but of course I love that bright rainbow business most of all.


What a great and useful use for your scraps! I love your quilting designs and as always, I’m impressed with your free motion skills (do I say that every time? Lol, probably because it’s definitely true every time I see your work!)!

My favorite coaster is the one with green batik fabric on the back. I love that quilt design and the front piecework is such a fun pattern. It’s like you’re giving everyone little works of art to set their drinks upon!


Thank you! The batik ones are my favorites, too.


Yay scraps, love the quilting. :heart_eyes:

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Excellent use of scraps! It took me a minute of reading and scrolling and reading and scrolling to realized these were coaster sized. Dude! That said, I am only half-a-cup caffeinated yet this morning. Maybe that’s way I can’t figure out what HST means? Or because I’m not a quilter? Or just because I’m [gestures wildly at own head].

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Sorry… Half square triangle. The finished size of each of the little squares is 1".

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Ahhhh. THANKS! Now let’s see if I remember!

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Very cool. You had some great scraps!

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So pretty.

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Wow! Useful and gorgeous! These are great.

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Thank you! I wish I had managed to line up the points better on those tiny squares, but I hate pinning (and they’re mine, so there was very little pressure to get anything perfect).

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I think a little bit of wonkiness adds character and makes them better anyway. At least that’s what I tell myself when I sew. :slight_smile: hahah!


Love those little colorful stars, wow! And the quilted backs are most excellent!

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You always make pretty things. These are really lovely!

I agree- little works of art upon which to place your bevvie!

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Thank you!