SOCKALONG with me - Knit, Crochet, Loom

It looks great!


Well, on the positive I did actually try it tonight. On the less positive my eyes are not good at this time of night and i’m really struggling, and therefore frogging. But to prove I’m not fibbing here’s a pic of how far I managed.
Better luck tomorrow, I suppose.


The best I did was look for the yarn I wanted to use and got the needles…it has been a dreary day and I am working on my blanket and vegging on a show…I still don’t feel 100%, so I am going to give myself a break…tomorrow is ok with me as well…


Welp, I just spent another yarny evening’s adventure that ended up in Frog City. It’s like the knitting version of the show Russian Doll over here. (season 1, I haven’t seen anything after that, but if you know what I mean then you know what I mean.)
I might have to invest in some magnifying goggles. Those increases are killing me. And my knitting needles are gold again (that was all that was in the store when I went) so I may need to look into something less shiny. Hey, at least I’ll be able to advise how much frogging this yarn can take before it’s worn out and I need to cut into the ball to trim off the dead ends, that’s useful, right? ugh. In any case it’s still considerably lacking in knitted toes over here. Bah Humbug.


Everything is really tiny and finicky!! She definitely makes it look easy in the video. I’m not looking forward to starting sock #2

I’m still struggling with my first purl stitch. It’s so loose no matter how I try to tighten it. I try not to start a dpn with a purl for this reason but it just makes sense in the pattern to keep the top of the toe on the first needle.


Ohh yeah, I dont like purls as a first stitch either. I really need to try to find time before 9 and 10 o’clock at night to try. :crossed_fingers:


Alrighty…I have been making socks for many years…on even tinier needles than these #2’s.

I have tried three different yarns in my stash and they are just not working. I am going to go get some absolutely plain yarn if I can find it locally.

I just about gave up on that cast on…the stitches were so tight…I did use her trick to insert the needles in front and rotate them to the back, but what a pain!

I finished one cable of the toe last night and decided I am going to frog back and just do ribs using the yarn I started with so I don’t waste the time. I have another set of needles to start the pattern again.

If anyone wants to change up the pattern, I have no problem with that as well…just make some socks!


Ok. I bought some “reader’s” glasses to try and see what I’m doing a bit better tonight. :crossed_fingers:


I ended up panic buying at the LYS…ended up getting four skeins of plain sock yarn…first pick worked!

I have cables! lol Not the prettiest, but I think some blocking will help as will repetition…I tried her hint on not using the cable needle, but kept dropping the stitches, so I would rather be slow and steady…

Yarn shown is Berroco Vintage Sock. A bit boring for me, but the cables will add interest.


Excellent! Yay, success!
I just got kidlet to sleep so i’m busting out the Yarn momentarily. Wish me luck!


I got tired of worrying about that one dang purl stitch on needle one…plus, it was awkward making the cable with the one stitch dangling there at the end of the row…so I rearranged the stitched by adding six stitches to needle one and putting in markers…now the cables are going way faster!


Smart! I will copy you!! You’re past me now.

I haven’t been using the cable needle. The cable rows are definitely slow!


I’m back here again…

This is the furthest i’ve gotten yet, the readers are definitely helpful:


I’m stopping here for the night so I don’t blow it and end up back at the starting party.

Who’d o’ thought I’d miss those dang Christmas socks so soon? Lol


Seriously, now I know why I do top down…it is way easier to do kitchener than those tight cast ons! I am flying now and am almost done with one foot…ready for the next part.


You all sucked me in - I finally started the worsted weight “Splendid Heavy Socks” pattern from my Lucy Neatby’s My First Socks Craftsy class. I tried to look back to see when I bought the class, but all I could find was that it was pre-2018. It’s probably been kitted up close to that long.

2 short flights worth of progress:


@AntBee Wooohooo!!!

@fishstix43 looking good! Great yarn!


Hey, welcome to our obsession! lol Looks like a pretty simple pattern to show off that beautiful yarn!


FYI: The printed lesson Part 2 does not tell you to stay in pattern for the cable for needle 1 when making the gusset. The video does. The cables should continue until we get to the ribbing…I am about to turn the heel…I can pretty much figure out what the rest of the pattern will be but I will wait as I have other projects I need to do as well.

Waiting for the leg part now…since I have multiples of size 2 needles, I might start the second sock this weekend! The color looks greyish on screen, but it is actually purple…



I switched to @AIMR ‘s set up…so much better! Now those loose purl stitches are bugging me but I’ve gone too far to go back now.


I did a little mock blocking and it seemed to even up the tension. I still haven’t mastered the non-cable holder cable but will try again on the leg part…if I drop a stitch now, I might just explode so I am taking it way slower than my regular speed sock knitting! lol

Never going back…ever…lol