SOCKALONG with me - Knit, Crochet, Loom

Wow, these are fab! Those colours work really well!


I have just spent an eternity on one row of these socks that I can’t remember why I even wanted to make anymore. lol
Well, an eternity on messing up the row, trying to work out what the heck I did, getting interrupted while counting by a not-small child alternating between trying to crawl into my lap, trying to crawl over the back of my chair, and calling out, “Mum! Mum! Mum! Lookit this!” then leaping from somewhere she shouldn’t be standing onto someplace covered in toys that shouldn’t probably be landed on if one liked her ankles unturned.

But, I did a row.
(Probably should’ve done a shot! :tumbler_glass:)


We use heavy duty re-usable snap traps for the mice we get in our attic space. They are supposed to be strong enough for rats, so I trust that spring load to make a very quick death for the house mice. I don’t use poison because I don’t want my cats or son, or any local wild predators, to find a poisoned mouse carcass.

I have never seen mice or found droppings in the kitchen or garage pantry, but I hear them scurrying around in the attic every summer.


I’m sure that would have made it worse!

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Look who’s seeing the light of day :open_mouth:🫨


It looks great!

I’m jealous you get to sit outside - it’s finally cooler here, but the air is full of smoke from the Canadian wild fires.



I am really going to try No Buy July…but, I really loved the yarn you used in your Christmas socks!


And at last check it was on sale…

It ain’t July yet! Lol

(Fair warning, I will be working up the third set of Christmas socks next month so you’ll be seeing a lot of that yarn around here.)


Oh no!
We had trouble from that last week? Week before? It’s all a blur. I wonder if it will come this way again then…


Weather channel says it’s moving east from here (West Michigan).

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Good for you!

You’re welcome to keep all of the smoke, I live 3 hours east of one of the largest fires and so far it’s only bothered us one day. Must be the fact we live on an island, maybe smoke doesn’t like the water.


Amazing!!! It looks great, too!

We had pretty terrible air quality here three weeks ago and eerie yellow skies. I’m not eager for it to return.

Stay safe!


Holy heel flaps, Batman, it’s happening AGAIN!


You’re cruising now!


I’m still plugging along with sock #1. I was debating shortening the leg bit as I fold down socks usually anyway, but I can’t try it on now even with adding a 4th needle to the live stitches so I guess I’ll keep going per the pattern. It also felt a little like cheating. lol

Meanwhile, I cast on the Christmas sock yarn as well. It was nearing the middle of the month and I really wanted to do a little “Christmas in July” themed crafting before it wasn’t July anymore! “Christmas In Whenever I Get These Silly Socks Done” just doesn’t have the same ring! :rofl:

It’s supposed to rain all day here today and we have no obligations other than grocery shopping (well, and all my Mom/House Manager duties) plus I got up 2 hours before the family usually gets up so I feel like I might be looking at a good yarn day here. :crossed_fingers:


Sounds lovely!!


Multiple socks! You are a glutton for punishment! ha ha

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May the Temporal Gods smile upon your sockly works.


I really am. Haha
I honestly want to frog the sockalong sock, it’s a hot mess. But I plan to just keep going and wear them around the house… if they fit!

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I am going to frog mine. The yarn was expensive and the sock is way too big. I am going to cast on a tried and true design.