Sprinkles, Snark, Sayings: August Swap ATCs

I was so excited to see the Ongoing ATC Swap come back in the most recent round of swapping. Now that all my claimees have received, I present my August cards. Apologies in advance for the photo quality; my brain was in swap mode and I just grabbed quick pics as backups in case the recipients couldn’t take any. I wasn’t thinking ahead to project-post glamour shots :woman_facepalming:

“Sprinkles,” for @thanate’s Little Good Things theme. I’ve always been kind of so-what about sprinkles, tbh, but I found some in my pantry this spring, and they’ve been saving my life on an LGT level. The sprinkles here are cut from masterboards received from @anna.wahnsinn, @Smmarrt, and @Reinikka in a masterboard swap before we were evicted from Craftster.

“On the List,” for @Lynx’s snarky housewife theme. The background is from a masterboard by @Wulf in that same swap.

“This Hour,” for Reinikka’s inspirational sayings theme. This quotation from Walt Whitman was on my wall calendar for August and really resonated with me: “Happiness, knowledge, not in another place but this place, not for another hour but this hour.” The frames are from another masterboard by Smmarrt. (Hey, that was a great swap :woman_shrugging:)

Thanks for looking!


I really love the sprinkles!

Me too, really like those sprinkle!