STS (Shop the Swap) 2024 Fall Market Discussion

I was wondering the same thing. Thanks for asking :grin:


Ok, sent my q. I guess that means now I have to go round up Things & take photos of them.


Started setting up my shop in my own DMs. It took me a minute to figure it out, but I’m on it, now! Holy moly I have a lot of stuff to post…. :sweat_smile:


Thank you for catching that!

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I have eleven messages that I’m assuming are all for STS. I will be working on them this evening.


Eeep! I just posted my shop and I hope I didn’t miss anything… now I’ll probably have to wait until tomorrow because a lot of people are possibly at their bedtime. YAY


I love your shop!!!


I see the shops that are live and I am so anxious for my message! The waiting is always the hardest part. lol


I posted my shop but I may keep it closed a few days. My daughter was in a car accident today. She’s fine. Her car is not. Thus I’ll be playing taxi to get her to college classes until insurance decides if we get a rental car or not, if the car is repairable, etc. I count on mornings after I’ve dropped my son at school to make post office runs and that time just evaporated. Basically things are complicated and today sucks.


Oh no! Don’t worry, there’s a lot of time.

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Oh yikes!! So sorry, that sounds like a lot. :confused:

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Oh no! That must have been so scary. I am glad she okay. Hugs

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Thanks all. I’m beyond grateful my daughter and the other driver are ok and definitely counting my blessings. I’m just stressed about being down a vehicle, the unexpected expense (especially headed into the holiday season), and trying to get my kid to and from her college classes.


Ugh, that sounds like a lot! So sorry @Tapestry and so thankful no one was injured!

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Oh no, I’m glad she’s ok though. What a crappy situation. :disappointed: Hopefully insurance will pay for a rental car!

Posted my shop.

Will be adding:
Another glitter Frog. :blush: Same as the one I listed already.

Sand Seal Plushie. I haven’t decided on the colors yet.

I’m also hoping to add the grab bags soon! Each grab bag will contain:
1 button that is not listed in the shop. (Oooh mystery button)
1 random lapel pin
Paper clippings from magazines and old comics and etc.

I’ll add more stuff besides these as time goes on. :purple_heart:


Oh my goodness!!! I’m so glad she’s alright! I’ve been there a couple times with my daughter- I feel your pain! So stressful! :persevere: Drop in any time you need a long-distance verbal hug! :heart:


Will the tulips fold flat for shipping?

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Ooh, good snag on Vase C. I was really torn between C and H. Was tempted to get both, but told myself that I had to share. :laughing: I collect tiny art for a dollhouse project I will be doing in the future. No, the dollhouse is not built yet. Yes, I do have it… it’s still in its box under my bed. :rofl:


They will not. I would need to place them with some kind of protection. I’d probably mail them in a box. I think folding the wire would allow me to use a relatively small box.

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