STS (Shop the Swap) 2024 Fall Market Discussion

The hedge-a-dashery is now open! And I’ve spent all my points :joy:. But I did try to spread them around.

My husband, mom, and I worked out a schedule for getting my daughter to school so I should be able to mail packages just fine.


Yeeeek I came here to post a few pendants in my shop and realized I’m already at the limit, so I need to close until I have a chance to make some claims.


Edit to add: I’m going to get today’s claims ready to send with tracking numbers very soon, but the mail doesn’t turn back on until Monday, but I shall do my best to put my available points back into the pool asap!

ok editing again to say that OMG there is so much amazingness that I want!!! Gahhhh! I managed to spend back down to my 8 pending points so I opened back up. Added the pendants too, in case anyone is interested.


Just added a couple of snarky cross stitches into my shop!


My daughter handed me a list of items to buy for her and her friends from STS as soon as I have the points. It’s a long list. :joy: She loves this swap almost as much as I do and is busy doing most of her Christmas shopping.


That’s awesome. :purple_heart:

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I’m throwing a request out to all the crochet/knit yarnie people! Husby would LOVE a Jayne hat (from Firefly) if anyone has one or is looking to make one!


I set up my shop, but didn’t get everything photographed. There are a lot of supplies from when my craft room was organized. I’m a bit salty about some of the things I bought that I forgot I already owned, but that’s what happens. You could probably haggle with me over prices, lol.


Eee! You know I have a craft supply addiction issue, right?

Tell me more about the Uppercase magazine, pretty please? I’ve never heard of it but I’m intrigued. What’s inside?


@fishstix43 is the wool good to use for needle felting?

I’m honestly not sure. After some preliminary Googling, felters can definitely use a carded preparation (like a batt), I just don’t know how well it works if they’re not 100% wool. Anyone else in the swap have any insight?

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Maybe ask Harlan? She makes awesome needle felted things.

Updated my shop with paper stuff and a few suncatchers. I wasn’t going to do them this round, but I got the beads out for the junk journal charm and one thing lead to another… :joy:


I needle felt with batts, but it does get tricky if they’re not all wool. Basically, the non-wool part doesn’t felt down tight, but as long as it’s distributed enough the non-wool bits kind of get held in place by the felted wool parts.


Thanks! That’s good to know!

I’ll get some pics. It’s really interesting, imo.
It’s a Canadian magazine.


For anyone interested in a fish hat, you’re in luck - meijer had a bunch of the yarn I use to make them on clearance! :grin:

This was all I had left - each hat uses a bit over 1 ball of the yarn, so I probably could have made one more:

(the previous 2 hats used Troll)

Now I have a lot more!

I have a couple projects I need to finish first, but fish hats are on my list. If you have a color preference, let me know - otherwise I’ll just use whatever colors seem good. :slight_smile:


Somehow none of the stores I visited had the right colors in stock for a Jayne hat - maybe next time! I miss having a store just for craft supplies.


I like the pixie one for a fish hat. :purple_heart:

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@Bunny1kenobi (or anyone) is there any particular tiny furniture you’re interested in?
I did a school desk today as an example:


And I have once more gone on a spending spree. Phew. But I still have a list and things to order from everyone’s stores!

Do y’all want more art in my shop or would you prefer something else? If this weekend is kind, I might even be able to add 2 listings for a dozen cookies each. But we shall see.


I’ve got my eye on something in your shop- gotta get my claims sent!