I cannot believe I was oblivious to this discussion, which started in January?? Good grief.
And now I also don’t have enough ready to go, so I’ll watch longingly this year …
You still have time!! Go go goooooooo
That’s right! The starter things could be fairly small and you can work on adding larger ones later.
Hahaha, if only I could knit faster!
I’m very tempted by your pottery and some of the other shops as well.
Let me look at the dates as well as my craft room when I get home and make a final decision
Now that’s just ADORABLE
How hilarious and great that your daughter likes STS!
Eta: and cookies sound fabulous! But your art is lovely, so either way is a guaranteed claim!
It’s her favorite shopping event of the year. Black Friday has nothing on STS .
I hope you can join us!
I mean, I have to agree with her on that one!!
@kayrun - would love for you to join, but understand if you can’t.
I want to add some color pencil detail and apply a coat of sealer, but I’ll have this added to the store tomorrow:
I got the goblin planter from @Tapestry and a teeny vase from @Mountains_and_Clouds today!
I am really loving seeing all the fun art everyone is offering. I want to give people a head’s up that I have a pile I hope to add in the next day, hopefully. Stay-tuned…
Oooh that’s exciting!!
My new tiny vase from @Mountains_and_Clouds arrived today! And I’ve already put 3 quills from my hedgie boy, Pipkin in it. He approves, because clearly he deserves to be worshipped and adored .
OMG he’s absolutely adorable!!
He is the best model ever!!
Awww, he’s so cute
Twenty-six unread messages today! I can work on them for a bit, but I might not get through it all this evening.
Definitely understandable
Okay, I made it down to nine before my bedtime.
I hope to work on it in the morning.
To expedite my copy/paste abilities (I have to keep two separate excel sheets plus the swap thread), please keep to this format:
Send by September 29
LC4Life to MissCrafty - miniature felt plushies - (2)
Jane D. Oh
123 Veggie Patch Field
Anywhere, ZZ 987645
Send by September 29
LC4Life to MissCrafty - miniature felt plushies - (2)
Tracking # 1234 2345 3456 4567 5678 00
Send by September 29
LC4Life to MissCrafty - miniature felt plushies - (2)
You can also copy/paste from the master list on the STS main page… I think it’s the 5th one down… into your messages.
Thank you! Super fun to see all the swapping happening!