Teeny Tiny Porcelain Vases

Oh my! I’m so excited to be back!!

Here are some teeny tiny porcelain pieces which I finished up recently. I’ve been working on making my pieces smaller, but I’m actually at the point where I’ve been needing to use reading glasses when I throw, so this may be small enough. :woozy_face:

(It’s a normal size matchbox and a Canadian dime for scale… :slight_smile: )


These are so amazing! I love your little models too.

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That is crazy tiny! Are those Blythe dolls? I remember there was a huge craze over them!

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OMG extra photos uploaded!! HAHAH trying to figure out how to edit…

Edit: I figured it out~ WOW it’s so easy to upload photos here!

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lol… I was wondering about that! :laughing:

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These are the cutest little things! :star_struck: “This rocks!”

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Ohhhhh those a divine! They must be hard to make so small.

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Those are so crazy amazing, I can’t even!

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I still can’t wrap my head around how these are made. Are they small slabs? or are you really pulling them? and if so HOW IN THE WORLD ARE YOU PULLING THEM???


So gorgeous - I love the colours!

Awww, thanks everyone!

Heehee, I am throwing them on the wheel… off the mound, and with aid of one toothpick. :crazy_face: I may be insane…


eh. no more than usual. :wink:

I absolutely LOVE these little things!!! I need an army of them lining a miniature shelf. no…better idea; I have a wooden dollhouse China cabinet that needs to be filled with these.

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Oh, so exquisite! I can’t even!

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I love these so much! I snagged one is the garage sale and will be keeping my eyes peeled for other potential snagging opportunities. :wink: I’ve a dollhouse to fill! lol


Holy smokes…look at all the tiny vases in the matchbox. Amazing!


Hahaha I was about to say the same thing; it’s like, “does not compute”! :laughing: They are so small they seem impossible! Amazing!!!

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You’re what? Omg! How??? I can’t even do a normal one! These are so perfect! Love them!

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Awww you guys!! Thank you for all the lovely comments. I’ve been practicing the little stuff almost exclusively for a bit. Sometimes it feels really weird to make something normal size now… :joy:

(Oh, and @artsycandice, yours will be on its way to you very shortly! I had a little postage snafu, so it will go out on Thursday, due to the holiday! :slightly_frowning_face: So many apologies…)


They’re fantastic! The photo in the matchbox is everything


I love that last photo, of all of them inside the box. It looks like a found treasure.

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