Today: more work on the challenge project I started earlier this month with the little cusion.
Today: more work on the challenge project I started earlier this month with the little cusion.
My job “loves” me so much that we have this coming week off for February break. I claim it as my birthday vacation.
I spent last night making soups (chicken noodle and a beef vegetable) for my mom. They were portioned out into easy serve containers and tucked into the freezer.
Right now, I’m baking my peanut butter banana bread for my mom.
In a couple of hours, my kids and I are traveling up to TN to visit her and all of the goodies I’ve made will be going with us. This is the first time in many years that I’m spending part of my birthday with her.
While we’re visiting, I’ll be working on more crocheted dishclothes so I can keep my sanity. LoL
Got these beauties coloured up this morning. Not sure if I want to add more colour to the butterfly or not
You are a crafting machine, L2L! Of course I have to ask, who made the crocheted blanket on your bed, and who made that gorgeous moose wall quilt? eyes popping out of head
I made the crochet blanket (v-stitch) and quaggy made the wall hanging! She really spoiled me (as she does).
I thought I recognized the wall quilt as a quaggy creation!
@Lynx wow the quilt turned out really well. It looks fabulous, the colour choices are great. Well done you.
15/29 … yesterday I was so busy playing with my oldest grand daughter (18 months) that I almost forgot to craft. Sitting in bed I turned on a podcast and crocheted for 20 minutes before falling asleep. Whew, that was close to missing a day
I think traveling to visit the grandbabies gives you a pass, but way to fit some time in anyway!
Before you know it, you’ll be crafting alongside one another! That may take the form of play-doh, finger paints, and crayons for a while, but she’s bound to get curious about your own skills as she grows. Creative time with grandma will be such fun early memories for her.
Finished my fabric twine wreath today! I would love to make flowers for it but that will have to wait until tomorrow if I have time… I have to work today since tomorrow I have to go get my driver’s license (new state)…
Thanks @Lynx for the tutorial and the push! It is going to look great on my front door!
It looks so awesome!!
It is totally Van Gogh Starry Night, with all the little color flecks and nuances!
Love the colors!
Well, crafty thing fail. I tried to make a cute hanging thing for my crazy collection of rubber duckies. However, I didn’t look at pictures for hole placement, so even though it looks cute, it is top heavy and back to the drawing board as we may move the duckies.feom their crazy perch on the kitchen window to the laundry room on a small long shelf instead.
I should have done two holes on each side and not 3 holes, all centered. Cute, but doesn’t work.
I was rather productive yesterday and made this little rain cloud purse from an old magazine in the house. I’m pretty happy with it since I used any old hardware we had to make it XD So that is a little haphazard. But I am very happy cus I was needing a more neutral colored purse.
And this morning I started cutting some fabric for a quilt I want to do.
@Lynx, you’re going to need more room for more duckies. That’s all I’m going to say.
Sweet collection!
I’ve been trying to figure out where you used a magazine in the purse until I realized you meant a pattern from a magazine
16/29 … we drove today to visit our youngest grand daughter (10 months) and after she went to bed I started a new afghan …
Finished a project today, but waiting to see if I can get better lighting for action shots.