I made 2019’s card ornament today. Now to take pics of previous years for a main post!
So here’s what I’ve done so far:
On 02/01 I pulled out all of my fabric stash and started decluttering and organizing.
From this:
To this:
So far I only went through my knit fabrics so there’s still a long way to go.
On 02/02 I painted an assembled two IKEA chairs for my daughters new room:
On 02/03 I finished the flooring in our attic that we are currently converting into an office and guest room.
Today I’m tackling the woven fabrics.
I did not craft yesterday. I wasn’t feeling well. I got a bad reaction from something I ate. Definitely time for another round of FODMAP dieting to find out what’s causing me issues besides lactose and whey (it’s probably garlic but I am in denial).
This evening I plan on making a bunch of gelli prints.
@AIMR - that lace heart is beautiful
@Trillian - your doll dresses are so cute.
@seeuudee - can’t wait to see your finished twinchies
@GMPNQ - watching your process is so interesting. Looking forward to seeing the finished results.
That is such an awesome idea making collages out of the 4th grade art.
@Bajita - your stitching is very nice. is this half double, chain, half double pattern?
@MisstressJennie - I like those colors and I like the X shape in the middle. Did you do these from the middle out?
@megwell - ooo I like your masterboard and the squares. they look cool cut down for bookmarks.
@AntBee - your yarn is so soft looking.
@AcadianDriftwood - cool ornaments!
@Silky_Bee - what a difference!
Ok, let’s see… I am off to a bad start, as the weekend was kind crafting rest days, but yesterday I made bread (of which there are about two pieces left), crocheted another row of my krampus hat, & finished my Sekrit Projekt & got my husband to scan it. On to today!
I love seeing all the different things people are working on!
As for me, I’m working on two things today (a rare treat!) and I’m having “maybe I should frog this blanket” issues.
Issue: I think I used a different sized hook on the beginning section before it got tabled for months. I thought I had it right, but I’m looking at it now and it looks like the bottom is slightly larger stitches than the stuff I’ve done since picking it back up. Could it be my eyes? yes. Could it maybe be ok even if it is actually a different hook? Probably, honestly. I mean, it so far doesn’t seem to have screwed up the image… idk.
The other project is a simple spray paint job. I have my grandparent’s old Giant Wooden Spoon and Fork set and I am spray painting them green to spruce them up a bit and hang them in my kitchen. They have lived long and good lives and appreciate a little TLC. (Sometime in the 60’s Spoon was snapped in 2 during her performance as a long-sword in the hand of an uncle battling against his brother who wielded the victorious Fork, among other adventures.)
OK, back to obsessing over the blanket…
If the image isn’t being messed up then by the time you’ve finished and add a border you’ll probably not even notice it. If you do, no-one else will
Thanks. I feel like, because the image is still good and it’s so early in the construction, and at the bottom, it might be ok… I won’t lie, the idea of undoing all those rows and then probably having yardage issues from where cuts have been made to the cc… ughtastic… and the drape is ok, not too-too stiff in the current hook (J/6mm)
(I suppose it could also be my tension maybe? I did try it with the K hook as per my original notes but that was way too loose.)
lol, nothing I do is simple. haha!
Here’s today’s adventure.
Not what I would have done at college, but I didn’t actually get there today. Got as far as York but there’d been a crash early this morning (about 5ish) and even at 10.45 am the road was closed. They reopened the east bound side, but west bound was diverted right through the city centre and taking forever. As my class was only 1½ hours and estimates online said would take that long to get through everything, we gave up (Rob was driving).
So a trip to hobbycraft later (big mistake as far as bank goes, but yeah for new toys!) and I arrive home, get terribly distracted by all sorts before finally whipping this up
Love that there’s shimmer and shine
Back not too shabby either
This is another sample. This time as a way to upcycle a denim jacket - use pieces like this to decorate/mend an old jacket.
Choose my preferred option next week - vase or jacket. Thinking vase - more scope for samples & trying new materials & techniques, although I might make some large versions of this as masterboards.
Fabric ATC’s anyone?
More info on crash 😢☹
Found out later it was pedestrian v car and fatal, so no wonder they took so long to reopen road.
I accidentally added a stitch or two at the end of one of my rows and didn’t notice until I was at least two feet into the blanket…I cheated on the border by doing half doubles while doing doubles around…it evened out just fine. No one uses a blanket laid out flat…it is usually bunched up with a happy person underneath, so I wouldn’t sweat it either…keep on going!
Love the shimmer and shine…playing with fabric is my go to for any kind of stressful situation…looks like you have some nice pieces to decorate your jacket!
sorry about the accident…
@seeuudee - Those hearts are so cute! Did you cut them by hand or do you have a punch in that shape?
@Lynx - The 4th grade art class seems to be channeling the 80s/early 90s. Very impressive!
@Bajita & @MistressJennie - There is something incredibly soothing about making dishcloths. Perfect for a daily make!
@megwell - I think your masterboards match @Lynx’s 4th grade art! The gold elements look really good with that color palette.
@AntBee - the idea of a crochet intarsia afghan boggles the mind. You are so ambitious!
@AcadianDriftwood - That’s a really pretty ornament. Can’t see what the main post looks like.
@Silky_Bee - Stash decluttering is a noble goal! And I see some really cute prints in there (hippos? dragons? I am a little jealous). Hope to see you over on the DeStash-Along in the future!
@geekgirl - Hope you’re feeling better!!
@GMPNQ - That fabric collage is so creative. Can’t wait to see what sort of repairs you make with it.
Thing number Three from yesterday. I had the component pieces made and just needed to attach the skirt to the bodice in the evening. I need the local theater to stop playing such good movies so I can have more craft time in the evening. Last night they showed Lilies of the Field, which was terrific. Tonight is Little Shop of Horrors.
What a cute little dress. Such a great way to use fabric scraps. I never tried my hands at making doll clothes.
I didn’t notice there’s a DeStash-Along. I tried joining one years back on Craftster but had to realize that I’m not good at following year long threads.
I’m open to swapping my fabric though.
@geekgirl i hope it’s not garlic, that would be a tragedy.
I am wracking my brains to think of anything I made yesterday, but unless writing an exam paper counts, there was nothing. But I made brownies today, had a mad craving for chocolate cake…nice…
I made brownies, too. Well, actually it was my daughter who was really eager to bake. I did the measuring and and she took care of the mixing. It’s so much fun to bake with kids.
all this talk of brownies is making me want some. This is my favorite recipe https://www.jennycancook.com/recipes/dark-chocolate-fudge-brownies/
Thank you. I created a little template and cut them out by hand.
Sunday: figured out tiny sticker-making (without a sticker machine)! Tested it out with text and finished this ATC. Which, yes, was started back in November and then forgotten.
Monday: slow cooking and whole foods, for the most part, and I made a lot of metadata in between.
Tuesday : created a new project topic from the stickers!
So, this evening’s make was a fail! I was attempting this - https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/454933999860964047/
But I cannot make it open It just pulls away from the card on one side or both! I will have another go another day, but unfortunately there is only this short video to go on - the link goes to a shop - but I really don’t know where I went wrong!
On a more important, and successful, note, I did make 8 girls Brownies this evening through running a Promise ceremony, so the day has not been a complete failure
Have a look at this one
(Sorry about funny link - it is for pinterest! )
It’s a BuzzFeed Mexico video. Different flowers, but put together the same way and I think this one is clearer about what to glue where🤞
Love your flowers - would be a shame if you can’t get it to work.
No picture today, but adding some more photos to my LV scrapbook.