Use it or lose it! A sharing and caring gift-along

@aimr sent me some fabric and didn’t want anything in return so I would like to pay it forward instead. I’m not organized enough right now to make a comprehensive list or take pics but if anyone would like a envelope stuffed with paper ephemera I would be happy to send you one.

Send me a msg!


I love looking in on this thread, it’s a such a neat sharing thing :heart: :rainbow:

I haven’t felt able to join in myself - I’ve moved a few times over the last several years (including to Fiji and back), so my stash has been quite thoroughly weeded. Since the last move, I’ve been in a town with only one little craft store, and so I buy very little now (except for painting supples and fabric for specific projects). Plus, the cost of postage here means it’s usually only worthwhile to send small items (as letters), or put little things in with other crafted swap items. But I’m enjoying looking and getting ideas for things you guys might like!

That said, the wonderful (and wizard-clever) @calluna is sending me some of those library catalog cards - I have some art plans for them!!


I have a whole box of them from @calluna from the Asheville meetup a couple years ago. I love using them.


@geekgirl, I tried to message you, but got an auto reply that says you don’t take messages.

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I am glad that people know they don’t have to offer or take anything…but it is kinda of nice to have a first start point if there is something you need or want but just don’t want to go look for it or buy it…looking through some of the stashes has also motivated me to go back to my own stuff and remember why I bought it and make some projects!

And, I feel pretty confident that if I need that special button or some ribbon or something to finish off a project, I could ask here first…

I am like @magpie…I love making stuff but I don’t always want to keep the stuff I make…now that I live in a warmer climate, I have tons of hats and scarves and shawls that will sit in a drawer if I can’t find suitable homes for them…yes, I have given a lot to homeless shelters, but you know, some of them are special and I would like to know they were special and not just utilitarian to a stranger…do you know what I mean?


That’s weird. I have it turned on to allow messages and I have gotten other messages from people today. Let me see if I can send you a msg.


It must have been some sort of hickup…

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Me too. It gets a little cool and wet in winter here, so I need a few warm-ish things, but nothing like the woolies I used to wear in Wellington. Most of my knitting is to give away now - there’s good charities for practical things, but some things are special, and I know my Lettuce friends appreciate handmade :heart:


I just updated my list - I’m looking for a small piece of dark blue (navy?) corduroy fabric (~2" square) to patch a hole in a quilt.


Watch out! I might just have to send you some paper diamonds so you can make me some hexagons for my epic paper piecing quilt :wink: But it’s all hand sewn! My mom has put quite a few together for me and it’s tempting to have some made from Lettuce Craft friends too :heart:


You can send me however many you want me to stitch. Hand sewing isn’t speedy but it shouldn’t take too long to do a few seams. And you know I have lots of fabric!


We did a hexie swap twice on the old site! My quilt from that swap is nearly done.

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I may have it! I’ll check my stash this weekend. I know I have several small scraps of dark-coloured corduroy.


I hope the fabrics and tools I sent you helped in making that quilt…it is incredible…I don’t think I have the patience as you do and as I recall, you were making it from hardly repeats at all!!


I have added a few new things to my available items. come calligraphy and clay books.


Those are wonderful! Especially the Illuminated Letters sketchbook.
(But I won’t ask you to send it to Belgium because of postage.)


I like hand sewing! I can make you a hexagon or two if you send me the paper diamonds. It might take a little time, but I’d be happy to contribute!


Weee! The yarn @jellybean kindly sent me arrived! As soon as I can find my password to relog in on my phone I’m going to add a pic, it’s so pretty! :heart_eyes:
Thank you, Jellybean!

Eta pic:


I was hoping someone would snatch that up…it was gorgeous…did you have plans for it or…did it go from her stash to your stash? :laughing:


It totally went from stash to stash! haha! My friend asked me if I was finding a mate for my other Very Fancy yarn that I bought with her… 10 years ago! She accused me of trying to become a “yarn breeder” haha!
Oddly, and quite out of character, I already found a pattern for it so it is on deck for working up this spring! (The new yarn, not the old stuff, That yarn and I are common-law now so we’re 'til death do we part! haha)