Weekend ATC Blitz Challenge #4!

Thanks! I actually had to add more paint to part of it last night to cover up a fail in v1.0, so I appreciate that.

I’m way behind… but here’s my first one! And, I must say… I love it!

1/6- Fairy Tales


Oh, it’s spectacular!

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5/6, Sew Awesome. I knew my trying to thread a needle would defeat the purpose of the Relax card :laughing:, so I went for a more child’s play interpretation. The “thread” is from an old tank top I’d cut up for another thing.

Presented in collage because I can’t decide which way is up.


Hahaha, it is awesome!!

Your cards are so bright and happy @megwell!

Great fairy tale ATC @craftADDchick! The black edging is super cool and moody!

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2/6- Put a Bird On It!


I can’t believe I’m saying something with vultures is gorgeous, but it is!

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Agreed! And I was wondering this very thing today about vultures, oddly enough.

4/6: Fairy tale


Amazing collage work!

3/6- Vices (Smoking isn’t one of my vices, and it makes me nuts when people flick their still burning cigarettes out of their car windows!)

Okay, I need a snack break, and then I can tackle the last three!


5/6 - zodiac/horoscope

I’m not a Leo, and don’t know any Leos, yet here we are.


And finally, 6/6! I thought Put A Bird on It would be the only thing I’d accomplish this weekend, and yet here it’s showing up last:

I didn’t set out for this to be a card for @Lynx (I have a whole series of u.s. state flags started), but all things considered it seems kind of perfect… Though I am happy to add some fowl (ha!) language to the bird.


Oh, you are a sweetheart!! (Even though I only “live” here. Hehe) Very cool card!! I’m sure this set will be awesome! And, some of those flags would be so hard!

6/6, Fairy Tale. I’m pretty happy with this one, especially considering it took me so long to hit on an idea that I lost the good photo-taking light. I’ll try to get a better picture tomorrow.


There are some seriously complicated flags, and I’m skipping most of those, lol. I keep forgetting you’re an Alaska girl!

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Is that a Baby Bear bowl of porridge?!? That’s both adorable and, I think, the first time I’ve seen porridge depicted in ATCs.:bowl_with_spoon:


4/6- Zodiac/Astrology- Aquarius

I’m not an Aquarius, but water is more fun to do.


It is, because I can draw a bowl more reliably than I can furniture :laughing:.

The texture on those wings!

Ok, I thought I was going to do these, but I guess not in time for the challenge. Loved looking through the thread, tho! :green_heart:

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