What's cookin', good lookin'?

That sounds really good!!

Cleaning out the pantry/fridge/freezer meals:

French toast to use up bread & the last of the syrup:

Ramen with pork chops from the freezer:

English muffin pizzas with leftover pizza toppings:

(after I made pizzas to use up mozzarella cheese)

Many freezer waffles with a box of baking mix:


Good work! I love doing that a few times a year too.


Uh oh! I got curious about something that gave me waaaaay waaaaaaaaaay too many curious ideas to try some other time.

i had been neglecting eating, and finally decided to make the gnocchi I’ve been putting off…i grilled the potato a few days ago just to make gnocchi, and the next day as I was grabbing some powdered buttermilk, I ran across some chickpea flour. Oh my word…i bet a fruit based gnocchi made with this chickpea flour would make an AWESOME noodly dessert. I’ll have to try that…OOH! I HAVE ONE BANANA LEFT. The coconut milk…What else? I’ll have to think about it later…too hungry right now.


We are trying to eat as much stuff out of our freezer before we move. Since we are in a hurricane area, we have way too much stored foods and drinks. My husband is making up boxes for some of the single parents he knows , and we started taking items to the food bank, but we still have to eat so, I appreciate any ideas to use up things!

I made a Southern Pineapple casserole to use up the 20 odd cans of pineapple (I used 2…), Ritz crackers and cheddar cheese…uh, not recommended…it was ok, but unusual…oh heck…we didn’t like it at all, so it is going to be trashed:

I am now banned from the kitchen again for the duration of our time here. We are going to go out to dinner tomorrow since we both can’t take another “freezer” meal fiasco! :laughing:


My first thought for canned pineapple is my grandma’s orange jello salad with pineapple and carrots, which probably isn’t much help! :laughing:

Maybe something like Sweet and Sour Chicken? I haven’t tried this recipe yet.

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Omg, Linda, I love you. That sounds absolutely terrible, but I love you. (And yes, I looked up the recipe. Ewwww…)


The older generation in my family made a dessert with gelatin, cream and canned pineapple which is much tastier than it sounds!

I still love canned pineapple. I didn’t eat fresh pineapple until I was probably in high school and while of course fresh tastes much better, it doesn’t bring the same nostalgia. I love canned peaches as well. I could eat both of them right out of the can. As kids we put canned fruit in our yoghurt.


I do like my grandma’s jello salad! It’s been a while since I’ve had it, but she used to make it for every holiday and potluck. I should try making it sometime.

My mom cans peaches, applesauce, and sometimes pears - they’re so good! I used to add milk to a bowl of fresh peaches.

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Hmm! What do I think? What do I think? (Let’s taste some mustard…Ok! It’s strong, but but definitely some loss of taste…so take this post with a grain of salt).

It’s not bad. Not bad at all. Plus, oddly enough, it has a better after taste. :thinking:. A tad bland, but not a bland bland bland. (yep, I needed adjective for the adjective, :rofl:).

I fried the noodles in some butter. Then only added a little water at a time.

yellow pea noodles fried in butter

shrimp & onion fried in sunflower oil.

A pesto made with 1/2 tsp. sunflower seeds, a pinch of ginger, nutmeg, fennel, a few leaves of basil, salt, a clove of garlic, and about a teaspoon of sunflower oil.

And a little more water added when I mixed the noodles with the shrimp. Cooked til thickened.

I’d have to say this is good enough to put in my list of shrimp dishes. It’s different enough to keep me from making the same dishes too frequently.

Aaaand the pictures got mixed up, O_o. Well, that’s what I get for doing this without my glasses, :rofl:


I am going to try this! I usually make the traditional macaroni salad with mayo and tuna with my pea noodles, but I would rather make a hot dish! Sounds yummy with the shrimp and onion. So glad you share your cooking experiments! Most seem to turn out really good–way better than the things I try on my own! :laughing:


Holy mackeral, batman, it works. It really works. :smiley:.

It’s a sweet gnocchi made with bananas, ricotta, coconut & chickpea flours. Granted, there are some changes I need to make, but all in all, I could eat this like candy.

i tried to make a sauce with greek yogurt, coconut milk, lemon juice, and sugar, buuuut, I think the yogurt I bought is bad, :grimacing:. Meh, wasn’t the right flavors for my tastes anyway. I think pineapple would have been a better flavor. Though, I really should stay away from citric acid anyway. :no_mouth:.

The next batch I’ll try, someday in the near future, will be sweet potato and ground pecans with ricotta. I bet maple syrup would top that nicely, but don’t have any, and won’t be any time soon that I’ll get some.

There is one thing about this that might be way off for normal people. The chickpea flour makes them a bit chalky in texture. Along with the coconut flour, it makes them even more chalkier. For me, it don’t bother me, but for people with normal tastes, eh, they may not like it, heh.

Oof! Just went back into the kitchen, the yogurt smell was extremely strong and upsetting my stomach…Yeah, think I’m going to throw that out. Fingers crossed I don’t get food poisoning…:grimacing:.

Ok, this is what I’ll use for the sauce for this batch.

i noticed the gnocchi water was a little thick, and it tasted pretty strong of coconut (from the coconut flour). Blended in a little ground ginger, vanilla, an egg, just a small bit of corn starch, and cooked til a little thicker. Tastes pretty good with the banana gnocchi, so it’ll do.


The boys will be home with an adult friend house-sitter this weekend so we are cooking up a storm! I’ve made somd ground bison chili

and pasta sauce simmering beside chickpeas in the pressure cooker.

The peas will be going into a coconut chicken curry & Rob’s starting some bread & pizza tonight.
Almost makes us want to say home, almost. We’ll be eating well in Montreal tho so… no regrets!


We went on a culinary adventure this weekend!
Friday, we visited this huge international market (Lee Lee’s, in Tucson). I went nuts on proteins, got shrimp, scallops, crab, lamb, goat, and ground beef. Also veggies, sauces, and what have you.

Saturday, I made Scallops and Pasta; bacon, mushrooms, green onion, scallops, and cherry tomatoes over angelhair pasta topped with parmesan and toasted pine nuts.


Making a huge batch of bean soup to give to both boys’ families, and you can imagine the angry face I made towards my stomach wishing I could throw a few jalopenos into it. Oooh! It’d be so good. :frowning_face:


Looks yummy!

Charles, have you tried adding a tiny bit of baking soda to your foods? I use the tiniest bit in my coffee, tomato based recipes, and spicy foods. It is just enough to quell the acid reflex and doesn’t really affect the taste. I also read that if you soak your beans with just a tad of it, it helps reduce the gas.

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Made some post it notes and hung in the kitchen…(Mental note to self: Get some multicolored postits…I’ll overlook these if they get to be too numerous, :no_mouth:).

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It makes the beans cook faster, too.


We bought so much carrots last weekend. 2,5 kilo for €1 at the ethnic grocery store. They came straight from the farmer, unwashed, covered in dirt, but really tasty. But it’s a lot of 2 people, especially if those people are going on a trip in a couple of days!

Throughout the week, we added a carrot to every dish we made (such as pasta sauce) and we ate a bunch of them raw as snacks. This morning I grated 6 carrots for carrot cake and peeled another 6 to boil for dinner. But we still have so many of them left. Does anyone have any unusual recipes for carrots?

Tonight we’re eating boiled carrots, mashed potatoes and probably fish for dinner. When I was a kid, we used to eat that every Friday, but we never eat it now. I haven’t had boiled carrots in years, and we only make mashed potatoes a couple of times a year. I’m tempted to sautee onion as well, my mum served sauteed onion as a second veg almost every night.

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You can dice and freeze some for future recipes. I like to have a bag of chopped carrots and a bag of chopped onions in my freezer.

You can make (and freeze the extra from) a large batch of carrot soup.

Or you can grate some and use them in okonomiyaki, a Japanese vegetable pancake. I like to make those as a “clean out the fridge” recipe, using up bits of various vegetables like cabbage, green onions, Brussels sprouts, potatoes, etc.