What's cookin', good lookin'?

Thank you! I was trying to avoid the pre-soak because that’s my downfall with dried beans (and nut based creams). I’m planning to make enchiladas with the beans…and maybe “meat”balls. So falling apart should be ok. I usually mash the canned beans for those recipes. Imma try it!

As a side note, have you tried a veggie broth/stock in the pressure cooker? That’s my next adventure in low-sodium land, lol. Mr. Road has taken to making “Sunday gravy” (tomato sauce) to help combat that sodium source as well. I don’t want to give up flavor when reducing salt!


Broth in the pressure cooker is so great. 30 mins, natural release, strain with no pressing for clear consume. Celery tops, celery seeds, dried mushrooms for salt-free umami. A dash of lemon or lime juice in the bowl just before serving, or zest, and some chopped fresh herbs. Who needs salt?



I did beef bone broth in my pressure cooker a few weeks ago, and used it later in bison chili and beef stew. I’ve been saving up veggie scraps in a ziplock bag in the freezer, to make a batch of veggie broth soon. Let me know how yours goes Abbie!

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I make a wicked black-eyed pea & pumpkin soup the kids find boring but I love, it’s finished with a squeeze of lime & sprinkle of cilantro. So delicious, mouth-filling flavour. I’ll get a recipe together…


You will probably make yours before me, so let me know, too! :laughing:

Yes please!


WOOT! Perfect sugar to water ratio. Still needs more work on incorporating the cornstarch, though. Since the water needs to be boiling before adding to the caramel, it doesn’t work to heat the cornsarch with the water (My first attempt).

This time I tried mixing in the cornstarch after I poured the boiling water in…Well, that didn’t work. Next time, I’ll try to remember to set 1/4 cup of water aside and blend it in that. With 3/4 cup of boiling water added should…should keep the sugar from going KABOOM when I add the cool water + cornstarch mixture.

This version:

cook til a dark caramel color is reached.

1/4 c. Sugar
1/4 c. Water

pour in

1 c. + 1 Tbls. Boiling water
pinch of salt
1 tsp. Vanilla

then add 1 Tbls. + 1 tsp. cornstarch

( the extra tablespoon of water was added to deal with any water boiled out when I was heating it up…i didn’t get it to a full boil and had a wee bit of molten sugar blowback, yeeek! Dont do that, heh)

Ok, did a little math. For each tablespoon of sauce, there’s just a little less than 3.6g of sugar. That comes to about 3/4 of a teaspoon of sugar per each tablespoon of caramel sauce. Hmm! Still a bit much, but yet, doesn’t upset my tummy.

I wonder what this would taste like in a tea. (I did put sunflower seeds in it)…:thinking:. I’ll have to try it later.

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Waiting for a replacement igniter for the oven, burners still working fine & I’ve made friends with the pressure cooker so…
Soaking dry things for future kitchen adventures. Beans, dehydrated potatoes (from our covid apocalypse food drying days) and mushrooms, shiitake I think?
I’ll make potato leek soup with beans for protein & those ‘shrooms will just go into everything from eggs to pasta, salad, stir fry, etc. everything here freezes well after cooking too.


We are eating as many of the canned and frozen foods we usually save for “in case of hurricane”. It is an adventure to make meals with just what you have on hand. Jim is only purchasing perishable things, so it will be interesting!

Last night we had some pork loin with onions and mushrooms served with buttered noodles. His veggie pick…beets! I like roasted beets and beets in salad, so I only ate a couple…coming from a can, I think they tasted mushy and bland…I am going to use the other cans to make soup or a shredded beet vinegared salad.

Any ideas on what to do with many, many cans of mixed veggies? I am not a casserole fan, but it is what it is…ha ha.


Ohh, hmm… I do like savory baked breads or muffins. Quiche could be good. Pot pies? Dumpling filler, mixed in pasta sauce (tomato or creamy), of course soup.
A pantry destash is a good regular practice. Summer’s coming, I’m working on clearing stuff out too.

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My husband is a food hoarder…so was his whole family! In PA, it was to survive any snowstorm…here it is hurricanes…I understand and want to support him, but he is now seeing the light that it has gotten out of hand. He is making boxes to donate to various people we know and the food bank…no way we can eat everything in the next four months…I mean, seriously, there has to be 20 boxes of spaghetti noodles… :anguished:


Oh, wow. Well it’s never too late to learn something, right? An opportunity to improve habits. Good for him!

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Roasted onion & veg, pressure cooked dehydrated potatoes, the pressure cooked beans are cooling.
I’ll make soup another day because dang I’m tired. Covid sucks the juice right outta you.


Ok! I’m getting ready to finish getting the ingredients for tomorrow, but we have had a $200 gift card for a butcher shop here, and finally filled up with some fine meats. Anyway, trying to find something for lamb…I have an idea for the ribs, but the stew meat…That I think I finally have something. A lamb pot pie, and boy am I finding a lot of interesting recipes.

I am leaning towards this one (minus the curry). Red wine is one of those I haven’t used as of yet. So kind of curious.

Then there’s this one, it took me a bit to find out what HP sauce was. I think…Don’t quote me on this, but I think A1 might work if I can’t find any HP.

Then there are normal stew pot pies…:thinking:. What do I want to do?

Any of ya’ll happen to have any lamb pie recipes?


Yesterday I roasted all that veg & pressure cooked beans but tonight instead of making a puréed soup with that, I got distracted by some bison & ground beef we’d thawed & made a different soup! It’s delicious

Of course I can’t just make one thing at a time so here’s some pasta sauce too.

Roasted root veg soup on Sunday I think. We’ve got a trip tomorrow.


The sauce isn’t exactly similar, but in a pot pie I think you could also replace HP with Worcestershire sauce or Maggi liquid seasoning and a bit of tomato paste or ketchup, if you can find those sauces where you live. I’ve not had A1 sauce but in the pictures it does look similar.

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This one was a win! Moroccan inspired chicken tangine with pickled lemons. I looked at a couple recipes and then winged it with the ingredients I had or could easily get at the store. I had deboned chicken tighs that really needed to be used up, and my mom started to describe a good recipe that led me to look up something similar. It has all kinds of spices, garlic, onions… The recipe called for fresh herbs but I dumped in some frozen instead. I can’t really justify buying fresh herbs in sweden in february. Another change was adding a can of chickpeas and so was cooking it entirely on the stove instead of in a tangine in the oven.


Ok! I over exerted myself dealing with my nephew and my own stuff…So won’t get to it…But here’s the recipe I wrote up and modified from the Better Homes and Garden’s recipe.

.4 kg Lamb
2 Tbls. Flour
Sliced leek
Sliced Carrot
Sliced celery
1/3 can Garbanzo beans
Fresh rosemary
2 Tbls. A1 steak sauce
1/3 c. Red wine
3 Tbls. Sunflower oil
1 Tbls. Tomato paste
3 crushed cloves garlic
2 Bay leaves
1/3 c. diced tomatoes
1+1/2 c. Beef stock
Puff pastry

Coat lamb in flour, set aside for 10 minutes

Fry rosemary, bay, garlic, carrots, celery, leek in oil for five minutes or until just softened

Cook lamb until well browned, add tomato paste, cook for a little. Add wine, and bring to a simmer. Move lamb to pan with vegetables, add tomatoes, A1 sauce, broth, then simmer uncovered for 2 hours. Add beans, remove bay leaves. Season then spoon into baking dish.

Preheat oven to 375. Cover filling with puff pastry. Bake for 40 minutes til golden brown.

I decided to go with A1 as it might work and I couldn’t find any HP sauce. (What Is HP Brown Sauce (& Is It The Same As American Steak Sauce)?). Besides, I think it’d be prudent to get some new ingredients in my gut…belly…I mean repertoire. :grin:


i wish I could clean up the kitchen. I’d love to record some videos of me cooking. :frowning_face: .

Anyway, it smells wonderful.


finally feel fairly decent this morning and made some savory buckwheat crepes…Yeah, needs sugar, heh.

Cheddar, chopped basil, thinly sliced sun dried figs, and an egg, cooked inside the crepe.

Either way, this is definitely something I’d go out of the way to make. (but with regular flour for the crepe and add ham)