Woven Inkle Bands!

Soooo…. I could never really get into the fiber arts before. I really do not enjoy sewing at all, and knitting and crochet have always been meh. But somehow I discovered our local weaving organization through chance (someone at my community pottery studio saw my pysanky eggs a couple years ago and asked if I’d lead a workshop on egg dying at the handweavers’ space). I had no idea there was an entire room full of looms smack in the middle of our downtown area…. anyway, fast forward to January of this year, and I finally took my first floor loom workshop and I was HOOKED. Then I took an inkle loom workshop and was DOWN THE RABBIT HOLE.
Y’all. I can’t stop weaving these bands and belts. They’re sturdy and strong! And as a bonus, I get to play and experiment with color! (And I even found neon yarn, heehee.)
I highly recommend checking out inkle weaving!


These are all super cute and so fun!

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Wow!! You’ve got so much variety there and perfect edges and widths! Next rabbit hole - tablet weaving :slight_smile:

Have you tried pickup yet?


Haha yes, I’ve done some small pickup things, but I don’t like all the loose threads stretching over several rows, so tablet might be the way to go. (Plain weave does seem limitless though, haha).

I also wanted to figure out how to do a sideways krokbragd pattern, so I designed a sinple little flower pattern, but same issue with the long threads on the back! :laughing: I think I also just like the look and feel of finished plain weave, but i’m sure that will change…


I’m with you on the loose threads, that’s why I prefer tablet weaving over pickup. Not the same obviously but you can make some really sturdy shoelaces (and wider bands of course) with tablet weave. There’s something really relaxing about doing a plain weave band though!


Ooh yes, thanks! Shoelaces are so fun!


They are all so colorful and bright! Would they work as bag handles? I know someone who would buy those for bag handles… :slightly_smiling_face:


They’re beautiful!

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Yes, I think they would make good bag handles! (Husby is currently using one of the thicker ones as a tuba strap for this piece he needs to play standing up on a concert.)


I was about to say that they would make great bag handles, but @AIMR beat me to it.


These are all so awesome!! Love your cute modeling pics. :grin:

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WHOA. You’ve really taken off running with weaving. That’s AWESOME!

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Those look awesome & you are still your sweet cute self, nice to see you!
I literally just last week sold a large floor inkle loom but no regrets, it went to a neighbour who is going to do a lesson series with friends, me included! I’m looking forward to that, hope I can manage something as nice as your weavings. I agree they would be very nice for bag. Guitar & ukulele straps too!

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Wow girl. You are done ate up with the looming. Your color choices are fabo and you’ve got cute modeling skills, lol.
Silly me not knowing anything about the looming world, I thought inkle was going to be a type-O of ankle and you had just made ankle bracelets, lol. I love ankle bracelets in the summer time.

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Aww thanks.🩵
And never regrets over moving things and equipment to new homes, especially large things!

Heehee, I had never heard the word “inkle” until a few months ago either, so watch out!

:bell: :bellhop_bell: :bell: :bell: :bellhop_bell: :bell: :bell: :bellhop_bell: :bell: :bell: Ring-a-ding-ding! Your wonderful craft is one of this week’s Featured Projects! CONGRATS! :bell: :bellhop_bell: :bell: :bell: :bellhop_bell: :bell: :bell: :bellhop_bell: :bell: :bell:

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These are stunning!

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Awww wow, thanks so much!!

These are so cool! I always wondered how these were made, since I got a belt in a similar design years ago.

I think the pink and green and the black/yellow/pink/blue one are my favourites, but it’s hard to pick!