Yes! & if you can reuse that sort of jar & ring from purchased products if the size is standard, you just need new lids that fit correctly. If those can’t be found, friends can send them to you
It looks like Kilner has a few types of jars. If you go with them, you’ll want the ones with the 2 part lid, a flat metal disk, and a separate metal band, because that’s what I’ll be demonstrating. They show the same basic steps for jam making that I’ll be going over, on their site with both the 2 part lids, as well as directions for using their their clip lids. I know the kilner clip lids are popular with some home canners here in the US, usually folks who have extra fancy blogs. Since I’m not a fancy blogger, and the 2 piece Ball lids are ubiquitous here, available everywhere, I just use those.
Here’s their basic jam making instructions with their 2 part lids and their clip lids.
I’ll have to do some more research about jar sizes for you. All the standard Ball jars here come in 1 quart, 1 pint (16 oz), half-pint (8 oz), and quarter-pint (4 oz) size. I’m not sure if those are exact equivelant to their sizes, or if they are off between Metric & Imperial.
Don’t worry about doing the research. I’ll join the class to watch and eventually I’ll get to doing the actual canning
It looks like if you were going to make the same strawberry jam recipe I’m making, you’d fill 3 of the .25 liter jars, with about 3/4 of a jar worth of jam leftover. You’d maybe get 4 full jars out of the recipe. (I sometimes get a little more leftover, that I usually just eat right away, but that might be just enough to fill that 4th jar for you.)
Since the jars do seem to be different standard measurements, you might want to just watch me make my jam, and then follow a recipe formulated for your standard size jars. Like this one. (Giant pet peeve though: that recipe doesn’t say how many jars it makes/or how many ml of jam it produces, meaning it’s hard to know how many jars to prep when canning.)
LOL. I also just realized, we’re having this whole conversation on the general Zoom classes thread, when really we should be chatting about it in the Canning class thread. That’s the point of the class having a thread so early. So folks can ask and answer questions there.
Folks, if you have future questions about the canning class, please go ask them in that thread!
Reminder to those interested: The Small Batch Canning class will be next Saturday, November 13th and signups are still open! So far we only have 3 people registered.
This is a class that is easy to take, even if you can’t take it at the time it’s offered, because it will be recorded and you can play it back at anytime. I’ll be going over tools, terms, and ingredients for the first part, then making a batch of jam. You totally do not have to be following along, making jam as I do. You can watch the entire class through, then go back and rewatch while making your own jam.
Any plans to do more Zoom classes?
Yep! The lovely @jemimah has a Watercolor Class coming up this month, and I believe @steiconi has a class in March she’s planning on teaching about making paper flowers.
Has there been any thought to more classes?
I believe we are on hold temporarily while the lovely @MistressJennie adjusts to motherhood. She’s doing amazing, though, so I don’t think our hiatus will be too, too long!
I was supposed to do an “Introduction to Needle Felting” …
eventually I would still like to do it, but I’m in the middle of 3 different projects with a 4th approaching. Maybe this fall if I have more things in hand.
I’d be interested in that!
Hello Friends! I’m sorry there was such a long break in LC Craft Classes while I had little Ada. Now that I’ve settled into motherhood a bit, I thought it would be a good time to start talking about future classes that we might be able to do over the next few months. Are there folks interesting in teaching something specific? Anything someone would really love to see a class in? Tell me what you’re thinking!
(For those of you wondering: The little one is doing great. She just turned 10 months old, and is crawling everywhere, and starting to pull herself up on the coffee table. I can’t wait to get us into our new house over the next few weeks, so she can have more space to play.)
Babies are so adorable, have fun!
I’d enjoy some bookbinding. I can do a scrappy basic workshop but if someone else wanted to teach something more advanced or different, I’d love to take that class.
Are the other classes available to purchase video access to? I’d gift those to friends & fam if they were… be good in a sticky somewhere…
While I feel like others would be far more qualified, I’d be willing to teach an abstract painting class.
I would love to learn how @cindy makes some of her doodles…the one that turns triangles into flowers still escapes me…it would be nice to see how it is done live!!
I watched a live video of a doodle being made and it was quite helpful…
Moving this over to the class discussion thread, so we don’t miss the suggestion.
I could probably work out a way to do an intro to crochet class. I think my Okiocam is here in our rental, and I know I have my hooks. I would probably just need a skein of bulky yarn in a light color, to show up well on camera.
Yes please!