Back to School Chalkboard

Update: 08/24

It’s that time of year again - Back to School time! Are you all sitting down for this news? LittleBookLover is now in sixth, that’s right SIXTH grade :astonished:. Lol, it’s hard for me to wrap my head around.

Once again, I spent waaay more time than I care to admit on filling out this chalkboard. All summer long, LittleBookLover has been pushing the “go for a walk” button on his communication device (his communication device is an iPad with a communication program that allows him to ‘say’ a variety of words and phrases. He pushes the word/phrase icon and the iPad will say the words for him). He likes to push certain buttons repeatedly. So, all summer long I’ve heard ‘go for a walk go for a walk go for a walk go for a walk…’ on repeat. Hence the square I want to “go for a walk” - complete with a picture of the icon from his communication device.

Original Post: 08/23

I picked up this Back to School chalkboard from Target back when LittleBookLover first started attending preschool and have used it for every back to school photo since then. I wasn’t going to give this it’s own post, but heaven knows I spent an exorbitant amount of time on this project (I don’t even remember how many times I redid the word ‘communication’ alone :roll_eyes:) and I need 3 Art projects to get my chameleon badge. So, why pass up the chance to make my first art post when I have an art project just waiting to be shared? :smile:

I often get stumped on what style of writing to use for all the different categories, so I turn to Google. I’ve gotten ideas by searching things like chalkboard numbers, chalkboard lettering, chalkboard flourishes, etc. This year, I used a few computer fonts for guidelines (special thanks to Clarendon Wide Regular for giving me the inspiration for the fancy ‘g’ I wanted :grin: ). I will very likely continue to use the font strategy in future years.

Action shot:


Oh, goodness, he has grown so much! What a fun project for the two of you…and great memories down the road!

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Lovely! I’m a sucker for typography of all kinds, and you did a wonderful job.

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Using the same board is a wonderful idea. Such a cutie you’ve got!

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You did a really great job! So vibrant and lively!

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@AIMR, he really has grown so much! I do love the seeing the pics of all his past years and enjoying the memories. I put all the years in a little photo collage on my phone and it’s so nice to be able to look through them all at once!

Thank you, @wittychild! I also love typography, so I really appreciate the compliment!

@Cindy, I have to agree with you, he is a cutie :smile:.

Thank you, @Bunny1kenobi!


Adorable! And that sign is so cute, too! A really great way to commemorate the first day and remember little things about your little guy as he grows.

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Wow!! 5th grade is kind of a big deal! Your plaque commemorates the moment so nicely! Love the personal touches and artsy embellishments.


Love the way you are capturing the memories. Also love the checkerboard under the Favorite book prompt. Your dapper little man looks excited to start a new year!

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It is fun to look back on all the little details and also interesting to see the ways that he’s grown and the ways he’s stayed the same :smiling_face: .

I remember being in fifth grade, I felt like such a big kid! Which is funny, because when I look at LittleBookLover, he still seems so little (despite having gotten so big, lol). :laughing:

Thanks! That was an easy prompt to fill in, so I wrote it out before filling out the one next to it or above it…as a result, that checkerboard had to be fixed a few different times, lol.


This looks great! (And oh goodness, he’s gotten so big!)

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Wow, looks like it took a long time! So worth it, though. It’s adorable and so is he.

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You did an amazing job on the board - the colours and the various fonts are just perfect. Littlebooklover looks thrilled and raring to take on fifth grade!

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You nailed it exactly, lol. 5th grade is absolutely the cusp of real big kid-ness, while still looking super little. Exciting times ahead! :heart:


This is so beautifully done! great project for your adorable little guy!

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This is so adorable and so is Littlebooklover!

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Thank you, everyone! :smiling_face:

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:bell: :bell: :bell: Ding, ding, ding! Congratulations! Your cool craft is one of this week’s Featured Projects! :bell: :bell: :bell:


Wow! Thank you so much :blush:.

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Aw, that’s the sweetest. What a fun way to celebrate back to school.

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