Challenge chain, for fun and to get us out of our corona slump

I will take FAN, and interpret it as fandom… This weekend I’ll finish the series of Doctor Who ATCs I started about 2 years ago and then left 80% complete all this time.

Piggybacking on that, but not limited to that universe, let’s have the next challenge be DOCTOR. Dr. Pepper? Medical personnel appreciation? Doctor Teeth and the Electric Mayhem? Someone with a doctorate who inspires you? Doctoring as in altering something?


I claim DOCTOR. As for direction, Dr Pepper should suit. As weekends can get crazy right now, my project will have until Wednesday to be finished.

My challenge to you, should you choose to accept it is SPIN. Maybe a new way of doing something you have done before, something that spins, DJ, or even the Spin Doctors. Even our Earth spins, so feel free to be as interpretive as you want, just have fun.

I’m almost finished with my current challenge, so I’ll take SPIN!

My challenge is FLOOR- something that goes on the floor, or even something to keep things off of the floor.

I’m going to take Floor. Because it’s going to spur me on to finish a quilt that’s been hanging around for a few weeks. I need to make the quilt sandwich and pin it. All that is done on the floor. Then wrestle with it through my machine and then bind it. But I want to give it to a friend on Friday so it’s the perfect prompt.

My challenge is DAWN CHORUS you can interpret this any way you choose, birds, singing, getting up early to record and upload it to this site.


Ok I’ve stalled the thread.

So one of the following:
Or waking up/transformation

I will take one of these! You didn’t stall out, I’ve just been enchanted by the theme of “dawn chorus” but not sure how to make my ideas come to life. :slightly_smiling_face:

I’m going to join in the Paper Zoom this Saturday, so whatever I make I’ll tie it in with the themes somehow.

New challenge: the '90s. (Final decade of any century, I suppose.)

I’ve been meaning to get in on this, so I’ll take 90s! I’ll give myself a week.

My challenge is drama.

I’ll take drama! I wonder if I can incorporate a llama…

My next challenge is fluffy!

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Fluffy fits in perfectly with a project I’ve had on the back burner.

My next challenge is reflection

I will take REFLECTION. I’m playing with mirror-images this week, and will post something completed this weekend.


Oh, I want to make something outdoors. I’ll create something nice for the thirsty critters in the garden. I’ll figure it out the coming weekend.

My challenge is Wallpaper

I’ll take wallpaper! It will be a while before I can post it, since it’s going to be part of a swap package. So, about 2 -3 weeks. Sorry… :grimacing:

My challenge will be join the dark side! Interpret it how you wish- a Star Wars project, something dark colored, something scary-ish…

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I’ll take dark side. I have no idea what it’ll be, so I’ll say 1 week.

My challenge is golden.


I will take golden. I have a partial bolt of golden yellow fabric (that drives me insane because it’s never ending & not my fave). I’m challenging myself to make something (small) to use up some more. I’m giving myself until noon on Monday.

My challenge is STARRY NIGHT in honor of the stars I saw over the weekend at a cabin.


I know I haven’t finished my SPIN challenge yet, but it’s on the docket for this week. So, I’m going to also claim STARRY NIGHT.

And, because the beans I planted a week and a half ago have sprouted, my challenge is going to be BEANSTALK! That could be something green, or viny, or gigantic, or even magical! Or, even a more literal interpretation :slight_smile:

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I’ll take it! Beanstalk it is. I’ll make something paper crafty or possibly crocheted and I’ll give myself until next weekend since I know myself and crafting during work weeks usually is very slow going or doesn’t happen at all. I might finish it today, but sadly house cleaning has to come before fun.

My challenge is Spilled tea or just tea if it works better for you.

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Heck, I’ll go ahead and take TEA. I’ve been fond of this art journal page forever and there’s no valid reason to not make my own, with the amount and variety of tea I have:
I’ll post a photo by the end of the week.

Challenge for you: Use a technique or supply you loved to use when you were a child. You can expand on it as much as you want, be as messy or composed as you want, or try using your non-dominant hand so it all feels new and clumsy again, at least for a little while. :grin: Connect with what it felt like to simply create, at a certain age.
ETA: mud is definitely a craft supply. :wink:


Expanding that challenge theme:

  • Children or childhood more generally
  • Childlike glee
  • Craft with a kid, or prepare a tutorial or kit for a kid to craft with.

Oh, craft with a kid, I’ll take it, I’m currently crafting with mine :slight_smile:
Hmm, now I have to come up with a challenge. How about Sound?

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I have never done this challenge but I am so ready to take this one on! @Tanath have been meaning to expand the music section of the preschool before it reopens. Thinking of making some simple maracas, finger zills, castanets, drums, tambourines, etc… out of recycled materials.

So I guess I need to lay down a challenge theme for someone else? How about the moon? :crescent_moon::full_moon_with_face::waxing_gibbous_moon: Any takers?