Challenge chain, post your completed challenges here, and chat about the challenges

I love this! So cheerful :smiley:

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These are so pretty! It brightens up the area and your mood! Great job!

I claimed HEROES, and made these three masks for the heroes helping with health care in our communities:

I haven’t gotten to my “Stretch Yourself” project yet, but I will soon!!


ok…I had claimed Spring by @GMPNQ…I had intended to do a garden themed wall hanging but have not yet received the supplies I needed…

So, I am submitting this lap blanket as my Spring item. The sun is shining but there are still some days it is a bit chilly. Sitting at my computer, my legs sometimes get cold so I made this to use.


Nice one @AIMR.

I claimed In Stitches from @anna.wahnsinn ages ago and finally got this done yesterday.

It’s a piece of silk paper I made at college, with wool fibres trapped and when it was dry I painted it using watercolours.
I think it’s done, but might go back under the needle yet.


oh it looks like a topographical map

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I hadn’t spotted that. It does.

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Nice … I recognize that pattern :smiley:


It was easy…I know I made at least three mistakes but I can’t even find them…a very forgiving and mindless pattern…


I chose @audity’s TWISTED RAINBOWS and had a totally different plan but thought of this idea in the middle of the night and went for it later …

I gave them there own post Twisted Rainbow Muffins


oh this is a great interpretation!!! ha ha ha great job!

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I claimed @GMPNQ’s “be kind to yourself” challenge, and treated myself to a 4x6 artwork using my masterboard from the other day to make this piece using newscaster Chris Cuomo’s saying: Together. As Ever. As One. I don’t know if he got it from someone else or not, but it has been very inspiring to me lately.


I’m guessing what the word is, in @magpie 's “naughty” theme :smiley:

I love those beautiful artsy In Stitches @gmpnq :heart_eyes:
@aimr I love the lap blanket, it’s a beautiful symmetric pattern that really shines and makes me feel so harmonious.

@audacity I want those monsters!!! Fab!

I claimed @GMPNQ for “Spring celebrations”. I was going to make this adorable bunny headband , but as an adult size (I don’t have any children, nor really know any that are young enough to wear it) it came out… weird. The ears were waaaayyyy too tiny, when I tried to cut them off the original headband I accidentally cut the headband material. And the headband was weird, almost like it wanted to be a hat? It was too big. So I started over and made a narrower band and skipped the bunny ears. I’m not too happy with it yet. After learning my lesson with the dumb ears I just have all these accessories tied on with little bows of yarn underneath the band, so maybe I just need to rearrange them… Thoughts welcome! :smiley:

Edited to add photo of original and v2


I think your v2 looks good! Maybe a couple more flowers to make it less a line of the 5-petal ones behind the rosebud would work?

I agree those ears look more like a deer or a mouse or something at that scale. If you want to make them more bunny-like maybe doubling the length would work?

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More roses & darker leaves might work?


This thread is so inspiring!

I like your headband @Cyn-energy! I wonder if adding a few more leaves and moving the flowers around a bit to frame the focus red rose a little more would help the rose stand out more? Hope you’re having fun playing around with it!


Woohoo, I think I’m done with @thanate’s challenge, evil eye!

Miniature rug pattern came from this site, which has many others too. The cross-stitch was half finished already, but I didn’t have enough of any tan/khaki shade so there was a lot of experimenting with shading. Pliable metal bands added to top and bottom, some accent beads on top, and finally a few dangly evil eyes/ eyes of Fatima, courtesy of @Magpie.


Ooh, beautiful stitching!!

That is truly spectactular, so gorgeous!

That is a wonderful way to meet that challenge!