CLOSED: Nerd Games - Discussion Thread for 2020 Games

Hey look it’s me and @storerboughtcreation in one place!


Oh my gosh! You two look like sisters! Have a wonderful time!


My mom said the exact same thing yesterday!


In case you missed it, our nerdy group is the featured craftalong right now!



During the Winter 2020 season, we had 22 active players! A total of 236 projects were posted, including 17 big time projects, and 7 research projects!

Several people managed to craft ALL THE THINGS!

Congratulations on finishing all of the prompts and battles! :tada: :trophy:

Here is where each team stands:

Team Players Projects Points Average
Running with Scissors 5 69 2340 468
Knotty by Nature 5 27 1155 231
Paletteable Art 2 7 240 120
Bits and Bobs 10 132 4465 446

:1st_place_medal: TEAM RUNNING WITH SCISSORS WINS! :1st_place_medal:

Battle Royale Results:

January # Results
Resolutions 6
Status Quo 7 WINNER!
February # Results
Birds 5 WINNER!
Squirrels 4
March # Results
Sportsball Madness 1
Netflix 7 WINNER!

Don’t forget, you can look at your individual tracking checklist here . You can also find the team roster there.

As always, if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask!

The fun continues over in the Spring 2020 Nerd Games!


Hello everyone… I’m in a craft slump since February, can’t even blame it on the lockdown right now, but with still WFH and homeschooling and doing the basics around the house (and it’s really basics … meals and washing dishes/clothes) I’m usually so mentally exhausted by 7pm that I just play on my tablet and don’t do any crafting! I’ve not finished any crafts the last 2 months!! Hope I’ll get some respite as we’re having Easter Break the next 2 weeks, and I definitely WON’T do any WFH or homeschooling then!

@storerboughtcreation - I hope you’re now settled into your new place! It sounded quite a bit like a road trip move! :open_mouth:


I hope that you can find some crafty mojo soon! And, we have our official April break in a few weeks, and I’m wondering if, as a teacher, I’ll be expected to still be posting daily assignments. We haven’t really been given any information about what’s next. RIght now, we’re in a holding pattern- review skills, fun activities, but no new work, and nothing can be graded! So, anything we post is optional. I do have about 20 (out of 100) students who are looking at the work. I really don’t know what to expect when they have us teach new material remotely. So, know that teachers are experiencing the same frustrations as you. And, enjoy that break! :slight_smile:


I feel like I let my team down. I started out really strong, but then with moving back and forth across country (a few times,) and packing and unpacking and everything… crafting didn’t really take a back seat, but pictures and posting most certainly did. I am mostly unpacked (until the isolation orders are lifted,) so I am hoping to get in a habit of doing better. I really loved seeing everything that was posted!


I think that’s the biggest problem for us school staff at the moment. No precedent was set, nobody knows how to do things and no 2 schools in the same council do the same thing it seems! My girls’ primary teachers post “grids” with different work to choose from for Maths, Literacy and “other school work” (topic, IDL, PE etc). The instructions are to pick 2 things from each grid (so 6 things per day), each about 30 mins max, so you’d do maximum 3 hours school work probably. Which, in total is all ok and great even with me and hubby WFH.

Twins however are on mutiny… :wink:

My friend’s school (primary/elementary as well) just up the hill from us has different settings. There’s the teacher she’s job sharing for example who is sending out daily tasks … and far too many in my eyes.

My work (High school) is doing everything via MS Teams, so every class has their own team set up (and that’s what I have been working on from home … I must have typed every student’s Scottish Candidate Number at least 5 times in the last 2.5 weeks) and they provide assignments with due dates and files etc there. We also provided paper packs for those students who don’t have internet access.

Of course as with you - we don’t know on either primary or High School level how much kids are actually doing!

The main thing for us at the moment is getting the kids outside for exercise so they don’t sit on their tablets for hours on end. Oh, and they’re reading to their grandparents via hangouts and will phone some family friends to cheer them up.

As for crafty mojo… yeah, let’s hope so. I just need more energy right now… that’s probably the worst for me. Maybe the official Easter break being the light at the end of the tunnel… :wink:

Don’t feel like that… life got in the way for me too, and I didn’t even do all the cross country moving! Hope you’re all settled in now?

There’s the new Thread up, lots of nice time to craft hopefully… :heart:

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Thanks, I’m settled for now, but when the isolation is lifted we go back across country (work stuff.) At least I’m in isolation with most of my crafting materials.

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I’ve had parents complain about A) Getting multiple e-mails with conflicting information and B) not having the work count. For us, it’s an equity thing… if not all students can access the instruction, we can’t count it.

But, I do what I can, and in the downtime, I get to craft! We have a “half day” scheduled on Good Friday, so I’ll be off the computer at 11:00. For now, I have to stay by it, just in case.


Nobody’s disappointed with you!! Real life always takes priority and we love seeing people when they have time :slight_smile:


Seriously. No one is disappointed in you! We just love seeing what you do share, and I look forward to seeing more of your stuff soon!

I’m in SC now, but our stuff hasn’t arrived yet. No one seems to know where it is. I’m not going to stress out about it until Friday. It should have arrived on Tuesday. So maybe I’ll start crafting more soon :blush:


Attention! We are seeking raffle prize donors for this year’s Nerd Games raffle! We’ll accept crafted goods, crafting books, craft supplies; whatever you think our participants will enjoy!

Whether you’re thinking of donating or not, please look at the fourth post in the spring Nerd Games thread to see the raffle rules! :smile:


I love the raffle! So far, I have a Jar Opener to donate, but I’m sure I’ll be able to donate something else, too!


Hi Everyone!

If you haven’t messaged me your address yet and would like the participation trinket and a Lettuce Craft card, please message me with your address by April 10. The only requirement is that you participated in the Winter 2020 Nerd Games. Even if you only submitted one project, you’re eligible to receive this fun participation gift!

A few of you contacted me with your address. I will try to get those mailed out as soon as I can, but with all of the restrictions going on, I’m not sure when I can make it to the post office. I will let you know when I do mail the participation prizes.


That’s awesome; thank you! I’ll also definitely be donating at least one more thing.

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I’ve not really participated yet… :open_mouth:

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You posted a project though, so you’re totally eligible! Send me your address!