COMPLETE - Positive Affirmations R-2 GALLERY


Swap discussion

S = sent
R = received

Abbeeroad S to Kwality570 R
Kwality570 S to Abbeeroad R
AIMR S to Imera R
Imera S to AIMRR
AIMR S to kittykill R
kittykill S to AIMR R
geekgirl S to kittykill R
kittykill S to geekgirl R
geekgirl S to jemimah R
jemimah S to geekgirl R
Magpie S to jemimah R
jemimah S to Magpie R
Smmarrt S to jemimah R
jemimah S to Smmarrt R
Smmarrt S to curiousfae R
curiousfae S to Smmarrt R

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Oh I’m so excited I’m posting first because the package I just received from @Kwality570 is perfect to kick things off!!


Have you ever seen anything so scraptastically glorious??? I’m in love! :heart_eyes:

Some more pics…

Serendipitously, at a recent craft show I was eyeing the quilted journal covers, but refrained from buying because “I can make that.” But of course, have I?? But now I own one that’s even better than what I would have purchased!

And the goodies…stickers!

Thank you so much, @Kwality570! Cue anxiety about you liking your package half as much as I like mine!! :sweat_smile:


I adore EVERYTHING about this!!!

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Love the saying and all of the beautiful little scraps! Great start to this uplifting swap!

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Oh my gosh, that is SO gorgeous! And so perfectly Abbee too. What a fantastic start to the gallery, I feel uplifted already, yay!

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Oh wow, that is just fabulous!! such wonderful colours and scrappiness!!

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how fun! I just love scrappy fabric stuff. there’s something about seeing just a little bit of a pattern to make you notice and appreciate it more, don’t you think?!


I received a fantastic and very generous package from @curiousfae.

First up - greeting cards, oh so lovely!

They all have quotes and sayings


But wait, there’s more.

Extra goodies - post it notes, pens, a mini card game, and the heart stickers are for the greeting cards.

And then, if there wasn’t enough before, bookmarks!

I am in love with the galaxy paintings and I will copy and steal this idea.

Thank you so much Kelli. What a lovely and awesome package!


@curiousfae What an amazing package you put together. Everything is so well done and so gorgeous! So many little mini art masterpieces. :slight_smile:

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Ooohhh, everything is so purty & beautiful! The sunny card reminds me of the land of point. It’s really hard to pick a favourite but that’s gotta be it for me.
Cracking up at the “wrong room” quote, that one is so Kelli :laughing:

The artwork alone is such a positive sight to see…but adding the quotes makes them fun and special! Lovely package!


Wow!! Amazing positive vibes from that package! I love the space-y bookmarks especially.

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Thanks friends! I have an extensive amount of doodles and sketches in my stash. It felt really satisfying to use them for a project.
Smmarrt requested things she could leave at little libraries and I had fun finding things that would fit.


Wow, that is a fantastic package @curiousfae! Gorgeous artwork!!

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My Splenda has positive affirmations!


I received from @Abbeeroad and I absolutely love what she sent to me. She made me some art for my wall of rainbow decor in my craft room. Blurred for language.

She also sent me the most amazing gummy kabob, a cute cow sticker, and a hand-painted sticker in a rainbow notecard.

Sticker up close:

Thank you so much. I am absolutely smitten! I couldn’t have asked for anything better!!!


Gummy kabob! Game changer.


snort, that quote :smile:
Love it all, the painting practice is certainly showing. Amazing.

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Fabulous package @Abbeeroad!! the artwork is brilliant, all the detail! (and the sentiment haha)

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