Abbeeroad S to Kwality570 R
Kwality570 S to Abbeeroad R
AIMR S to Imera R
Imera S to AIMRR
AIMR S to kittykill R
kittykill S to AIMR R
geekgirl S to kittykill R
kittykill S to geekgirl R
geekgirl S to jemimah R
jemimah S to geekgirl R
Magpie S to jemimah R
jemimah S to Magpie R
Smmarrt S to jemimah R
jemimah S to Smmarrt R
Smmarrt S to curiousfae R
curiousfae S to Smmarrt R
Serendipitously, at a recent craft show I was eyeing the quilted journal covers, but refrained from buying because “I can make that.” But of course, have I?? But now I own one that’s even better than what I would have purchased!
how fun! I just love scrappy fabric stuff. there’s something about seeing just a little bit of a pattern to make you notice and appreciate it more, don’t you think?!
Ooohhh, everything is so purty & beautiful! The sunny card reminds me of the land of point. It’s really hard to pick a favourite but that’s gotta be it for me.
Cracking up at the “wrong room” quote, that one is so Kelli
(Linda -In the year 2025, I am happy to be alive! :us:)
The artwork alone is such a positive sight to see…but adding the quotes makes them fun and special! Lovely package!
Thanks friends! I have an extensive amount of doodles and sketches in my stash. It felt really satisfying to use them for a project.
Smmarrt requested things she could leave at little libraries and I had fun finding things that would fit.
I received from @Abbeeroad and I absolutely love what she sent to me. She made me some art for my wall of rainbow decor in my craft room. Blurred for language.