OK, my Q is in!
oops! I totally just added you to the participant list because I could have sworn I already had your questionnaire. hahah!
Haha…I was literally working on my Q at the exact time you added my name. I think the universe is telling me it’s ok to not take a swapping break.
Jealous, I’d love to go some year
It’s fun, but also the sort of thing where you spend half the time wondering what is wrong with us all vacationing in the middle of summer w/o air conditioning…
We are heading out for tent camping on the 13th for a long week. I had never thought of the "
vacationing in the middle of summer w/o air conditioning…" crazyness. But then I have camped in cold rain and even once in a teepee in winter. I’ll take summer w/o AC any day.
I can imagine, and for someone like me who isn’t acclimatised to heat, I would melt
Ooohhhhh, I have a lot of scrap fabric
I’m filling out my questionnaire for this swap, and I’m not sure how to reply to this one… Possibly because I’m not sure about the definitions of ‘scrappy style’ vs ‘patchwork style’ in this instance. Because ‘patchwork’ in quilting means the piecing of different fabrics to make a design such as a block or quilt top can be ‘scrappy’ simply by using scrap fabrics, either with, or without, deliberation. You could make a bunch of traditional blocks, with all different fabrics (as in not a line of fabrics created to coordinate) by just mixing light and dark scraps to get a unified look.
And ‘scrappy style’ can have plenty of planning and deliberation in it, either in placement or color choices, etc. You can lay out scraps in ROYGBIV color order, or pick all different fabrics from just a few colors.
In this context, does ‘patchwork style’ really mean 'something pieced with deliberation/planning’ while ‘scrappy’ means ‘no rhyme or reason at all’ (aka a complete jumble)?
How did you guys answer this one?
For me, scrappy means random application of literal scraps - all shapes and sizes. Like these notecards. Patchwork style scrappy is more like this pillow cover. But those are my personal definitions. I’m sure everyone has their own variation of these terms!
To me, patchwork people measure things. Scrappy people will avoid measuring things at all costs. Or maybe I’m just projecting my own distaste for measuring amd following patterns.
Patchwork to me can either be measured and all the same size pieces or it can be random sewing of pieces to fit to make a block or something you can use to make something else. It can be coordinated fabrics or everything!
Scrappy to me denotes a style of whatever pieces leftover from other projects, so you can have scrappy patchwork.
Maybe organized patchwork vs scrappy patchwork?
To me, it’s one of those things that you know it when you see it! I like it all!
Haha…this was essentially my answer.
Oh I am excited, just sent in my questionnaire!
When I was answering that question, in my mind patchwork would tend to be pieced fabric, more even and measured, whereas scrappy could include raw edges, more layered, random, and free form. But there’s so much awesome stuff right across that spectrum, I couldn’t decide which style I like best!
I feel like the definitions of both of these terms really depend on your craft background. Like a quilter, a fiber artist, and a clothing maker would all have different basic ideas from one another, but would be similar to other makers in their medium.
And I also feel like my personal definition of them depends on what I’m making, and who I’m making it for… leaving it very hard to answer the question. Hrmmmmm…
Totally agree!
I think the same, scrappy is raw edges, more irregular shapes. Patchwork is more finished
Thanks to everyone who helped clarify. Kwality570 is under the weather at the moment. I know she will appreciate the help!
Yes! This is exactly what I meant! I am sorry for my long absence from the thread to answer, but I’ve been laid up with a horrible cold for the whole past week.