Complete - Sew Scrappy Swap Round 2 - Send Out 8/19/24


Calling all scrapbusters!

If you’re like most crafters who use fabric, you’ve got a small (or extra large) stockpile of fabric scraps you’ve saved. This swap will help reduce those piles, boxes, bags, or storage units! If you’re into scrappy or patchwork style, this swap is for you!!!

In this swap, we will be making 1 medium + 1 small (or 2 extra smalls) for our partners.

Swap Timeframe
Sign Up Date Range: 6/29-7/10
Date to Send By: 8/19/24

Size and Time Guide
Extra Small – 1+ hours – ATC, bookmark, vinyl decals, fridge magnet, stickers, masterboards, earrings.
Small – 2+ hours – pouches, ATC trios, TM patch, small artwork, dishcloth, set of 4 notecards, simple necklace.
Medium – 3+ hours – small amigurumi (6” or less), tote bags, basic scarf, hooplas (outline or felt), earring & necklace set.
There will be exceptions in the case of more complex designs and patterns. These are just examples, use your best judgment on your craft.

A Few Sew Scrappy Inspiration Pieces from LC:**
Crumb Block Scrapbusting from @MistressJennie
Scrappy Zipper Tote Bag from @tendstowardschaos
Scrappy Bowls from @Smmarrt
Fabric Collage from @steiconi
Scrappy Monsters from @Magpie
Scrap Bracelets from @kittykill
Fabric Bins from @Abbeeroad
Scrappy Raven Tote by @gozer
Quilt As You Go Bags by @AudiobookLover

I know I’ve only scratched the surface with these examples and more can be found in the Fabric Scrapalong or in the gallery from the last round!

Participant Requirements

  • Must be a member for at least 1 month
  • Must have posted at least 15 times
  • Must have completed one swap successfully before signing up for multiple swaps at the same time
  • Is not currently signed up for more than 5 swaps
  • Does not have more than 3 ‘late with communication’ in feedback from previous swaps in the past 3 months SWAPPER LISTING
  • Does not have negative feedback
  • Is at least 16 years old

**Questionnaire - Send to organizer Kwality570 **
Swap: Sew Scrappy Swap Round 2
Lettuce Craft Username:

Real Name + Mailing Address (including country) in format to be written on package:

Email Address:

Would you be willing to ship to an address outside your country:

If you are in the US, do you agree to send with package tracking and provide to organizer?

If you are outside the US, do you agree to take pictures of the receipt and customs form and provide to organizer?

Do you meet all of the participant requirements listed above the questionnaire? Yes/No

Do you have any allergies (pets, smoke, smells, etc)?

Are there any allergens in your home (pets, smoke, smells, etc)?

Favorite color(s)?

Least favorite color(s)?

List at least 5 scrappy sewn items you would like to receive:

Is there anything you would absolutely hate to receive?

Do you prefer making scrappy style or patchwork style?

Do you prefer receiving scrappy style or patchwork style?

Link to your Pinterest or other Online Inspiration:


Reserved for Participants/Partners!

# Participant Partner
1 Edel Jemimah
2 Jemimah Edel
3 Abbeeroad Myruka
4 Marionberries Mistress Jennie
5 Teachergirl Mvanrh11
6 Mvanrh11 Teachergirl
7 Mistress Jennie Marionberries
8 Myruka Abbeeroad

Calling all swappers from Round 1 - @photojenn @MightyMitochondria @marionberries @Abbeeroad @Magpie @thanate @Myrthena @AIMR @mellybelly81 @jemimah


Sounds fun!


Not sure where I will be in my move and setting up my craft room…I would love to join as I am having crafting withdrawal with everything packed away, but, I have to be realistic…sigh


I’m sure I’m in. :wink:


@AIMR I am sorta in the same boat. It has taken me too many summers to learn that I cannot commit to deadlines that land near the beginning of the school year, so I will have to sit this one out. With that said, I will “participate” by doubling down on my scrap clean out efforts. I will swap with myself and see how many scrappy items I can “send” to me. :smile:


We may be moving a kid into my studio to reno the bathroom next to his room so no crafting will be happening over here either


I have no time for this swap but I sent in my questionaire anyway. I’m just a typical craftie.


Ooh, this is very tempting!!

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but don’t tell Cindy :rofl:


Shhh!!! :shushing_face: :wink:


This looks tempting. I’ll have to think on it as that may be a rather busy time for me.


Edel and I have signed up together, yay!


I will be in the middle of pennsic for the send-outs, so I should also probably not. :cry:

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What a great pairing!


Actually, @AIMR used to have a craftalong like that on the old site. What was is called, the fake swapping one?


Oh, I did! It was a craftalong without the pressure of actually sending! Sometimes I would pretend I had a partner and stalk them…ha ha and then make something to send randomly; sometimes it was for me!


Wanna start it up again? I’d “join” for sure.


Yes, please start up the fake swap! I will have something scrappy to post in a day or two.