COMPLETE:Winter Book Swap 2020: S/U: 10/6-10/17 Send outs: 11/18/20

awww, sorry to hear that – hopefully it will just be a scare

I know that throws a wrench in things, but at least you are all done (unlike your
partner, who is still dithering but has some ideas brewing :slight_smile:
(thanks for the wonderful pinterest board with such a great selection of ideas!)

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Just heard today… it was a cold, not covid. The school still has to keep the kids at home as part of protocol, but we’re all good for trick or treating! I’ll be sending out soon. I’d like to send today, but I have a few goals to reach first.


So glad it was a cold and not covid @irid3sc3nt!

I bought my book today, but I’m having second thoughts so I might buy a second book. :joy:

I have some crafty ideas, but nothing has fully stuck yet…


We have a sender! The gallery is open.


Ordered the book last week…should take 5 - 8 days once they mail.
(fingers crossed my partner will like it)

Still mulling over ideas for the craft


Books :white_check_mark:
Chocolate :white_check_mark:
Crafts…so close!

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I need to get the chocolate and I am waiting for a book to come in.

My partner and I agreed on 3 smalls and I am done with 2 of them.


oh, I know you are relieved!
I’m excited to see my package :slight_smile:
I’m waiting to go to the chocolate shop until just before I am ready to mail,
bec chocolate doesn’t last that long around me, LOL
Can’t keep temptation around, must ship it off!
I’m pretty sure it will be right at the deadline due to having to order some stuff for
crafting & just life in general these days


I have the books (maybe one more if it arrives in time)!

I know where the chocolate is coming from!

I just have to get to the craft store for an item (hopefully tomorrow). I hope to be done by Monday at the latest.


So exciting!

I have one nearly complete, it’s mostly wait time left for that. The second one is off to a good start, and the third is ready to start (but won’t take long once I begin). They’re all different crafts, so I work on them at different times of day/night, based on how much interference I expect from the kids. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I getcha. I’ve been having anxiety for the past month now, to where I don’t want to leave my house. Coordinating with my psychiatrist, but mental health meds take forever to work…

Your chocolate looked pretty tasty on the counter, but I had a bunch in the candy cupboard so it wasn’t eaten.

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The kids have half-days this week, so that means I can go book & chocolate shopping this afternoon! Woo hoo! And I figured out my craft last night, so I’m feeling purty good about things. :cowboy_hat_face:


Books are purchased, crafting has begun. Still not sure what I’m going to do as far as chocolate…

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Chocolate is the hardest part for me too. I don’t have any nice chocolate shops open near me anymore. :slightly_frowning_face: But Chocolate is chocolate, as long as it is sweet it should be fine. LOL!


I am not picky about chocolate as long as it isn’t Palmer. LOL!


Yeah, you can’t really go wrong with the chocolate… :yum:

Palmer is pretend chocolate. Boo hiss.

The chocolate I got is good and fun, even if not particularly “fancy.” I hope she likes it. :crossed_fingers:t2:


I got a brand I recently tried and thought was good. But it can be found at Whole Foods and Harris Teeter so nothing super fancy but definitely not Palmers or Hersheys!


Noted! Ha! I picked you up some today and it was neither of those.

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