Felted Wool Ball Trivets

Still working on holiday crafting! I made eight trivets using felted wool balls and cork bases. The balls are connected with hot glue, which is surprisingly secure (I had to readjust balls several times and oof :sweat_smile:).

The bases are 8". The balls are .8" - for most of them I ended up using 99 balls. I’ve seen these made without the bases. It’s totally optional, I just wanted them to have a bit more heft.

I changed my technique as I went along. Initially I was starting from the center and working out - it was hard to get them as tightly packed as needed, so I swapped it. I’d find the center and place the middle ball, and then start with the outside rim and work in. I found that to be quite a bit more effective.

These took way longer than I expected - a little over 10 hours. Some of that was spent sorting and deciding on color combos, and even still, gluing 800 felt balls apparently takes a while! :rofl:

And I made a second batch!

Thanks for looking!


These are so much fun! I love the different colour palettes you went with.


I love the different color combinations! These are so great and remind me of candy nonpareils! So festive.
I think the cork on the bottom is a great touch so they won’t be slippery.


Thank you!!!

I felt a little limited on the colors because I needed about 100 for each one, so I ended up with some combos I was less jazzed about. I still liked them all in the end, though.

I actually like the finished ones so much I’m thinking about doing a second set!


These are so pretty and colorful! I love felted wool balls.


These will help set a cheery table!


They look so happy!
You did a great job on them.


My fingertips would be blistered! I have never seen these before but they are so happy looking!

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They are lovely!

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Thank you so much for the kindness, everyone!

Where did you buy your balls from? Everything I’m seeing would be about $20 a trivet!

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I bought them in bulk (which basically halved the price per ball) from Glaciart One on Am*zon. The trivets ended up being almost exactly $10 a piece, including the bases and taxes.


I love these! I purchased a felted ball trivet from a little boutique that sells world crafts. I almost always use it over my other trivets because it’s colorful and I like the texture as I lift it out of my kitchen drawer.

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Thank you! I love to hear that you use it! I try to find fun and practical/useable things to make as gifts, and sometimes it’s a challenge. I’m going to keep one for myself. :slight_smile:

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:sparkles: :heart: :shallow_pan_of_food: Congratulations! Your Felted Wool Ball Trivets are a Featured Project this week! :shallow_pan_of_food: :heart: :sparkles:


These are so cute! I kind of want to eat them lol! They look like little plates of candy; I love how colourful they are :heart:

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What a great way to brighten up the kitchen. These are really fun! The ones in the top right and bottom middle remind me of gumballs :smiling_face:. I love seeing all of your holiday creations!

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Thanks, y’all! I really appreciate the kindness!

I did another batch! I added another photo above if anyone wants to see the other color combos. :slight_smile:

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