Would anyone be keen to do another round of Invite Your Partner?
IYP is one of my favourite swaps - you can choose to create whatever size you like, from swapping an ATC for the cost of a stamp, through to a ginormous-use-all-the-supplies mega package.
If you haven’t done IYP before, here’s link to a previous gallery and round -
What timing might suit people? early in the new year?
Awesome! I’ll have a look at some dates for after the New Year
One of the great things about this swap is that if there’s someone you’d like to swap with, you can start talking to them about it, (and even planning some crafting) before signups have started.
Yes, me too! I think I will start signups in January, but I’ll make the signup and crafting periods long, to allow plenty of time to recover from Christmas crafting.
@Kwality570 - if you want to, you can talk to someone and start making crafty plans now! (I have already been plotting and scheming )