I procrastinated until the day before the homeschool group All Saints Day celebration and threw these together with my felt sheet stash and hot glue…
Not my best work, but not too bad for something I threw together at the last minute lol
From left to right, St. Bernadette, St. Elizabeth Anne Seton, and St. Nicholas.
The hoodies don’t really go with the costumes, but… it was better than no costumes at all, I guess…
St. Bernadette was just one of my scarves and a cut up old pillowcase.
St. Elizabeth Anne Seton was three pieces of black felt. (2 for the bonnet and one for the jacket)
St. Nicholas was 2 pieces of beige felt and 2 pieces of red felt.
And I set up a table to teach the older kids how to make a “Saint zine:”
I wrote out instructions on how to fold the zine as well as a sheet of ideas for how to decorate it, so the kids could take them home.
The butter knives are the poor person’s bone folder… they work well and almost everyone already has them just use the back of the butter knife to get super sharp creases.
Several kids came over to learn how to fold one. Most took theirs home to decorate, but 2 kids started decorating theirs at the table.
P.s. that’s a creative way to spell squeeze