I think this has got to be the last of the posts of things made to celebrate TheMisterT’s 50th. Whew! I had really planned to save these things, but when I saw the FISCHLISMS 12x12 thing at the end of the party, I got soft hearted and decided to put together a little collage-type thing for him to have.
So I attached cupcake picks, pinata parts, the peg-leg crab to it and then on the back layered up the sassy banner.
I had no intention of making a book, so I found 12x12 plastic sleeves to put it in along with the how-it-started/how-it’s going decorations, a paper plate I served the cupcakes on, and the birthday cards he received.
I didn’t take many of photos during the actual party - I was busy with the guests and taking care of things - but I decided to print a few from the weekend, as well as printing up a copy of the invitation that he just texted to people.
No fancy scrapbook layouts or techniques. I cut cardstock backings just a bit larger than the photos using papers that I’d used making decorations, then just attached them to 12x12 cardstock. There is no particular order or anything! But they all fit into the sleeve and since it is transparent, we’ll always know where to find it. I had to get a dozen of the sleeves, so I think I’ll use then for keeping some of the cards I’ve made for him over the years as well.