Ongoing ATC gallery & discussion for 2021

I also received from @bluebird today for my “currently reading” theme:



You’re welcome! Glad you guys enjoyed your cards! :blush: I really like that enchanted forest card! The paper cut outs are such a neat effect. :smiley:

I received as well! @thanate sent me a wonderful ‘bird in a crown’ drawing! He’s called “The Mockingbird King of North (insert her town name here)” :blush: I love him, thank you!



What a wonderful card!

That sad pineapple is hilarious! (Referring to the one way up at the top of the thread!)

I received an adorable Pokémon (Metapod) card from @bluebird! It’s pictured here: Gotta catch 'em all! Pokémon ATCs - #21 by roler

Thank you so much! The shading is amazing. :slight_smile:


I received two wonderful cards from @megwell! It came in one of her lovely movie poster envelopes and with a handmade butterfly card too. :blush: She picked my art prompts theme (so fun!) and these were the themes she made for me —

left - “It’s behind me, isn’t it?” lol! This one made me laugh out loud as soon as I read the theme, great take on it! :smiley:

right - “a beautiful golden locket engraved with the word ‘destiny’”. Very lovely and shimmery! And though it is hard to see in my photo, it had ‘destiny’ on it along with some scroll work. :blush: The weather is rainy and I had bad lighting today, so this was the best I could get photo wise. If you have a better photo of the locket please share! :blush:

They’re both great, thank you so much! :blush:


So we’ve kind of wound down in the claims thread (it’s summer, & there are other swaps to join, so not too surprising)-- are people excited about an August round, or is everyone too busy with other swaps for a bit and ready to let the ongoing ATCs have a month of vacation?

(I’m up for running it if people want to play; I just don’t want to clutter up the boards &/or people’s feedback if everyone’s busy elsewhere.)

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If I have another open slot, I am up for playing in Aug.


Glad you like them! I’m always nervous about drawing. My photo is actually worse, but it gives a good look at the “engraving.”

I was thinking about sitting August out. The other swaps I’m in/considering this round have send-outs mid-month, so if I joined ATCs it would be later. I hate to break so soon after they let us go month to month, but it may not be a bad idea.


I expect to be pretty busy in August with other swaps and moving, but I’d probably still make at least one claim for the month. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I’ve been out for July and I don’t know about August yet… Not feeling the ATC mojo right now :woman_shrugging: but that could change any minute :sweat_smile:

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You’re going to have new masterboards soonish…just saying!


@megwell — I always enjoy your drawings! I’m so glad you chose to draw for me. :blush: :blue_heart: Thanks for posting your photo too so everyone could see the engraved bit. :blush:

I’d join up in August if there is another round!

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@thanate If you skip a month, it would be no problem to restart again in September. Just send me a PM whenever you want to restart and I can set that up for you. You wouldn’t have to wait for another round of swaps or voting or anything like that. This swap is already in the ongoing category. :smiley: I know that organizing this swap is a lot. Thank you for doing it for so long!


Ok, we are taking a break (sorry @Lynx) while everyone works on their other swaps and goes on vacation or whatever else your August holds. See you in September!


I received a wonderful card (with matching robot postage stamp!) from @roler! She made the Machinarium drummer robot for me! He’s adorable and so beautifully done!! Thank you so much! :blush:



Yay! I’m so glad I looked up Machinarium; the robots in it are all so cute! <3


That really IS an adorable robot!


I knew that was Machinarium without even reading the post!


Great shading and color blending!