Received from @Lynx for artist’s choice:
The background is shimmery in a way that doesn’t quite show up in the photo. Thanks, Laura!
Received from @Lynx for artist’s choice:
The background is shimmery in a way that doesn’t quite show up in the photo. Thanks, Laura!
I want those to be real. Chicken legs!
Chicken leg socks are a real thing! And on some of them (not sure if all of them have it) the sole of the foot has a chicken foot.
I received from @geekgirl (sorry, I forgot to add you in the pm, my brain forgot with my internet having been out for days). Anyway, I think she is the queen of mixed media, so was thrilled she claimed me for a mixed media atc!
Thank yoi!
Ooo I love it, the colors are fab.
I also got a card from @geekgirl, with a map of “a place that doesn’t exist” (according to too many modern/popular mapmakers, anyway)
ha ha ha Poor NZ, always getting left off the maps!
It’s making me think of Flight of the Conchords and I’m pretty happy with that.
from @curiousfae on my maps/labyrinths theme:
Such amazing ATCs!!! I’m a little behind on the gallery, so I’m just going to comment on the last few.
@bluebird I LOVE the chicken leg socks! I would sooo wear those.
@geekgirl you really are the master of mixed media. Your map is pretty darned amazing too. Did you use markers for that one
@curiousfae What an absolutely gorgeous card! I love the detail and the colors!
Glad you liked it!
It was inspired by a gal on YouTube Maremi Simplecraft.
The colors remind me of a weather pattern or brain imaging… love it! Going to check out the gal.
Hahahaha @geekgirl, I knew I came from a fictional place!!
Hey ATC friends, just in case any of you are interested and haven’t seen it, the 4 x 6 Art Swap is on now, make some art and sign up by 3 July! Imagine making such giant-sized art!
@geekgirl - I love that mixed media, like seriously love it! It reminds me of this painting I decided I was going to recreate before I realized I don’t paint or do mixed media. I love the textures and that silvery squiggle going horizontal across it breaking up the colorways. Everything. I love everything! Your map is clever too and the markers look great!
@curiousfae - The way you get those watercolors to flow and blend is dreamy. Love your lettering and what an amazing quote. You had to have written that backwards to get it to fit so perfectly! And I love the flower card. It’s so kinetic and alive feeling. It reminds me of soundwaves. Super cool!
And get ready for another amazing card from @curiousfae! She sent me the cutest Two of Cats card for my Tarot and cat themes! This car is absolutely amazing. I love those cats expressions. It cracks me up!
And a group shot of the wonderful stickers she sent as well! And I love the stamp you used too!
I received this ATC from @GeekyBookworm for my Cute Monsters theme. I love the color palette you chose for this little critter! I want to boop that little forehead.
She also sent this Model Magic ornament based on a monster ATC that I sent her previously. Glenn has monster spots is the name of it. What an amazingly sweet gesture!! I was so touched when I opened the box and read your note.
And from @Lynx for my Black and White with a pop of color theme:
@GeekyBookworm’s drawing skills have really blossomed! She was so excited to send that to you.
I’m new here; I found this forum by searching for “ATC swaps in Canada.” There’s no in-person swap in my area, so I thought it’d be nice to exchange ATCs over the mail!
I discovered ATCs while on a cross-US/Canada road trip in 2019. A woman was drawing on very small cards at the beach in Padre Island, Texas. A short conversation ensued, and she explained she was making Artist Trading Cards. I thought the concept was neat but didn’t think much more about it until this year, when I decided to search for more information. I then started making them and I just can’t stop; they’re so fun!
Thanks for having me. I’m off to respond to the questionnaire for the June swap
Welcome to LettuceCraft!