This post is for gallery/discussion for OWS Summer 2022
Claim post:
I am picking up from the last round. The last person was @EriChanHime.
@EriChanHime, you don’t need to join, but you will be receiving since you were the last person.
I’m here for the party!
Will do the q’aire later tonight.
Yay, Summer!
Awww, that’s so exciting! Thank you, @kittykill. Definitely going to be holding off on joining for now. We’re about to have a family vacation, and I know I’ll be focusing on that. Maybe later in the month. Either way, it’s lovely to have you back and running the swap!
I’m in!
I might join in July after I get back from my vacation next week!
How is everyone doing? Are you getting back into the swing of things? I am almost finished with my first claim. As soon as it is done (today) I will make another.
The site being down kind of threw me off. But I have 3 days off coming up and plan on crafting my lil brains out!
We’re starting to balance out over here. My husband has another whole week before seeing cardiology (He had a heart attack two weeks ago tomorrow and they just sort of said, “OK, go home and take it easy. Oh, and take these meds. See ya in about 3 weeks!” which seems nuts to me but what do I know, I went to school for theater.) He’s starting to feel a bit better though, so I’m hopeful I will be able to be creative again soon, too.
I am so glad he is doing better! Such a relief!
Hi there! Now that the 4th of July is over and done with (setting up fireworks is hard work!), I am head down hitting the grind stone of my craft for kittykill. It’s going splendidly!
@kittykill sent me some awesome supplies! Look at all the seed beads!
And tweezers for days! If I can’t find an appropriate pair of tweezers now, well, there is just something wrong with me!
Thank you so much! That was very very generous and very much appreciated!
My item for @jillybeans is almost done! Should not have been so difficult, but I just couldn’t get it to work. Had to redo some of this a few times.
Yeah! Glad it got to you! Let me know what you think of the tweezers. I might buy them for myself.
Sent off my package to kittykill!!!
wow–who knew there were so many tweezer choices! I bet those will come in handy, especially with your miniature work!
Exactly ! That’s what I’m thinking too!
I received from @jillybeans! This is perfect for my kitchen. A gentle reminder to be nice to the cook. LOL! Thank you so much! It is the best.
I received from @Bunny1kenobi today! She sent me some awesomely nerdy coasters for our living room. They are definitely fitting in nicely and I found a cute spot for them on one of the side tables. Thank you!!
Yay! Glad you like it!