Quiltalong - 2022

They turned out so nice! I love the color schemes.


I love those colours!! Bubblegum is exactly the right name for them. Some kid somewhere is going to love their own special quilt.

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LOL. I feel like they are so late 80’s-early 90’s. I had a Chuck Roast fleece jacket in 4th grade, circa 1990 that was the exact shade of darker purple, with the bright magenta and teal piping.

Hmmm… Just realizing now that while Chuck Roast was a popular brand where I was growing up then, I’m not sure they are widely known. (Or it sounds like I had a jacket made from a cut of meat.) They made polar fleece clothing/outerwear, in North Conway, in northern New Hampshire. The kind you’d also find from Patagonia or LL. Bean now. Since I grew up 1 town over, it makes sense my parents bought me one at the time.


Those colors for girls just never go away. They just get recycled. So many products for women are in pink, purple, or turquoise. Sigh. Even power tools.


“It comes in both lady colors, pink and purple.”


Now you say it, I totally see what you mean with 80s colours, but it hadn’t occured to me before! I think maybe because of the prints this feels quite fresh and modern.

The pink and purple thing for girls is absolutely true, although these feel “not that pink” to me because there’s so much teal fabric in them as well. I absolutely love the colours pink and purple (not for pens though :laughing: ) but I really hate that everything marketed to women has to be pink and more expensive. Especially if it’s clearly a product for adults but is still labelled for “girls”. I’m a grown-up woman thank you very much.


Yes! Almost everything I owned as a kid was some combination of those colors. :joy: My aesthetic was permanently formed in the 80s.


I was a child of the 50s (oh my) and my mother hated pink. I don’t think I owned anything pink until my 20s. And I still have very little of it. I try to avoid it with my granddaughter, somehow it just erks me that if you are a girl, it must be pink.

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I don’t really own much pink either, but I totally want to get 70s pink and orange wallpaper in my new craftroom! And maybe a sofa bed with a matching quilt.

For babies/kids I also try to stay away from the predictable pinks and blues, I like primary colours and fun prints a lot more.

I wanted no pink for my girls when they were babies. What color do you think they loooooove? :sweat_smile: Kids certainly have their own personalities and ideas.

I had every intention of doing the January BOM today, but things just got away from me. I guess there are still a few hours left…


Remember, you can still get half credit if you do the block late now.


Hm. Did I know that? :thinking: Clearly I didn’t read the updated posts. Thanks for the heads up!

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My daughter would wear nothing but pink when she was little. Would be mad all day if you made her wear any other color…well maybe purple/lavendar was acceptable. Now she has a closet full of ivory blouses and neutral pencil skirts. Silly successful woman.


My work wardrobe is all black, white and red these days. I work in the law field, the Cruella DeVil look suits me better than Legally Blonde! I like wearing red because it’s less boring than black and white, but looks fierce rather than cute.

My mum really loved the 80s/90s look with oversized sweaters, jeans and t-shirts in primary colours. We fought about that so much when I was little. I wanted dresses! I had short hair too, she didn’t allow me to grow it out. Wasn’t allowed to grow my hair until highschool. Now my mother feels I’m a bit too old for long hair and keeps asking me when I’ll get a modern, fresh, grown-up short hairstyle. Growing up? lol, never, probably.


Good to know! I hope to find time this weekend.

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I marionberries , offer a wine tote for January’s prompt

This little wine tote has a quilted inside, a sweet bunch of grapes, made from a lovingly wornout pair of my DW’s Levi jeans. Now we just need somewhere to go. Covid numbers are dropping again here in the Northeast, we may be safe in another month or two…at least for a while.


The month of love has arrived and brought with it a new prompt!

February Prompt
Be inspired by love:
We surround ourselves with the things we love and show our love by creating beautiful crafts for the people we love. Quilt something using a fabric or pattern you love, or quilt something for someone you love. Let your love guide you in the creation of something beautiful (lol, so cheesy, I know :laughing:).


I’ve been slightly under-the-weather today, so I just made a few blocks for my scrap quilt. Three are wonky log cabins, and one is based off a block I saw on Pinterest.


I love wonky!


Me, too! I was having so much fun, I had to sneak in another one. :joy: