STS (Shop the Swap) 2024 Fall Market Discussion

Oh my! I was sooooo many messsages behind. I know I made promises last week but my brain went elsewhere. I have done it! I finally updated my shop with a pile of ceramic art. I struggle with pricing too (as many of you do), mostly because these have to be shipped in boxes and can add up quickly. But I love sharing art with others. <3 Now, I have to go browse everyone’s shops and get caught up! lol


I’m glad you liked them! You inspired me to include them again this year – they are pretty quick to make, so perfect for this swap :slight_smile:

and @Bunny1kenobi , I also like the small pkg insert cards, if you can offer them~

eta: I’m missing out on the Positive Affirmations swap this year, but would love to purchase something with a little positive quote on it, if anyone gets inspired~


I love them! I am going to the PO in the morning and then I am claiming from you!!


Yay for more shops! Added some lasered supplies to mine. :blush:


I regret having only two points tonpkay with given all the awesomeness hiting the shops today :joy:. But when I have points I will promptly splurge because there really are too many temptations this year!


Just added a new listing for a dozen Tuxedo Cookies. I forgot this recipe makes enough for some extra batches.


Alrighty… items shipped, and points have been re-distributed to other shops. :smiley:


Thank you for the claim!

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Just a reminder, I have Tuxedo cookies ready to go out tomorrow! If no one claims them today I’m eating them because I have to ship them tomorrow to make sure they’re fresh :joy:.

Also working on a few things of the non-baked variety.


Added another sweater to my shop and am working on a pair of fingerless mitts.

Am debating about buying cookies or holding onto my points in case fudge makes an appearance!

Also am toying w making a cabled wreath….


As a reminder:

All claim/sent/received messages must be sent to the organizer as well as to the person you are claiming from/sending to.

I go through my messages in order received because if there are multiple claims for the same item I can say who got it first. I rarely look back through my messages. When your message is tagged to include me (the organizer) it sends me the message in the order in which it was received. This means I could get a message from days ago and not even realize it because it was popped waaaaaay back in the message list.

Thank you!
Back to the swap!


I’ll own up to screwing this up - won’t happen again, boss! Apologies for making a really complicated swap more annoying - thank you so much for dealing with all of this!


Your new sweater is so cute! I’m also intrigued to see what a cabled wreath looks like.

I won’t have a chance to add fudge to the shop until Sunday. I need to test a new recipe to make sure it cooks up ok and make sure I do it the night before a regular shipping day. Plus, I need to buy more shipping boxes to mail the fudge!

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Don’t worry, I’m the middle schooler over here who’s effed it up nearly every single time! :face_with_peeking_eye:


Also, gah!!! I was trying to send things asap to reclaim some points and @susieoregon beat me to @artsycandice’s raven!!!
(But seriously, beautiful piece, Candice!)


I told her that I was worried someone would claim it before me! lol

It’s gorgeous! I’m very lucky!


I wanted that one too! Nice claim Susie!


It’s good for a reminder for everyone. No worries, I know y’all aren’t doing it maliciously. I was trying to figure out where some of the swapping was coming from and going and I was getting concerned that I missed a whole section of messages.

I was thinking there was something else I was going to say, but now I don’t remember. :laughing:


@jellybean - your pygmy puff and fox art are on some kind of epic journey! I was just checking tracking and they’re still winding their way from state to state. :scream:


I guess they wanted to take the scenic route! :laughing: At least they’re in the right state now!