Witch's couch

Looking through my stash, I came across this faux cast iron bench I made from hot glue for my Zorro scene. It was too big for Z’s courtyard, and now it’s looking mighty witchy.

The bench was made from pieces of my first attempt at a chandelier, I added the second chandelier… just because.

I made everything in the scene except the skeleton. You can’t beat a dollar store skelly!

And I usually avoid using hot glue, but decided to celebrate it here; it holds all the pieces on, AND forms a bunch of cobwebs, hotglue’s favorite shape.

The book title is “SLIM: Weight Loss Magic”


@steiconi I love this! Hot glue is seriously the worst for everything except purposeful spiderwebs. The little book seriously cracked me up. :rofl:

Was your original chandelier attempt going to become an actual chandelier at one point?


The book title is Awesome! The whole thing is really fantastic!!

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That was my intention, but I wound up making one from wire and lace.
Hot glue versions

Final version

And a link to the undecorated bench that became this couch

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They are both so unique! I never would have thought to make hot glue shapes on a pattern.

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So clever. I love the whole scene

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Halloween and miniatures. Two of my favorite things! Thanks for sharing this.

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Creative and spooky uses of Hot Glue…should be a title of a YouTube tutorial! I love the scene and all the details. Creepy time!

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This is so rad!

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Love it! Awesome use of hot glue. And no, you really can’t beat a dollar store skeleton! They’re so handy!

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^ What all of them said! Also, note how alive and well-fed that cat is…Methinks cat had a role in the demise of this skeleton, or at least helped get the meat off the bones. :laughing:


There’s a mouse under the couch, too, in case kitty wants a snack.


Holy cow, that’s amazing!


This is so cute! My favorite bits are the pillows for some reason and the tiny mouse! :mouse:

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