2020 DeStash-Along

That’s called an intervention, isn’t it? :joy:
(I may or may not need one of those.)


I think of “stash” as all the goodies I have on hand with which to work whether I bought them 40 years ago or 10 seconds ago.


Hurrah! I’m de-stashing!


Same as @Harlan - everything that’s in the house and doesn’t entail a trip to the shops. Some isn’t very old, some is generational stash!


In the past I’ve considered stash to be anything that has lingered for more than a couple months without being used for whatever purpose I originally intended it for, or supplies acquired just because they appealed to me without any specific project in mind at the time.

For the purposes of my current craft supply stash I declared everything in my house on 1/1/20 to be stash and we’re moving forward from there.


I used up all the small bits of cotton yarn I have that wasnt enough for a complete project by making dish cloths with the random yarns.

Since these aren’t “pretty” I won’t mind using them for really gross jobs like cat vomit and really greasy stuff.

This is called a bead stitch. I really liked it. A bit different than a puff stitch because you work around the post of a double crochet rather than work as a normal stitch.


I think the stitching alone is pretty! They are colorful and will make even the nastiest of jobs a bit more pleasant. Good use of those pesky leftover yarns…


Ok so I took some photos of my craft room, which has mostly been used as a storage room where I sometimes make stuff since we did it.

And now it looks like this, just two years later…I sell catalogue skincare so most of the cardboard boxes are empty, leftover from Christmas deliveries. Over by the window is a covered overlocker (serger). I got this from my Gran’s after she passed away. I have had it for about 6 years now and not used it yet…

This shelf started organised with all my fabrics neatly wrapped but since there is a shelf in front of it…

There is a sewing machine cabinet under all that somewhere. It worked when my sis and BiL restored it for me many years ago…
Hubby made me a cutting table on wheels with some Ikea Kallax units. It’s under there I swear.

I think most of my stash is in the craft room, but I’m pretty sure that there is a box of jeans and a box of clothes-for-fabric in this wall of boxes in our bedroom.


I’m in, I have a little corner of the living room and it overflows quickly, so at bit of using up is in order!

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It is a fact that a flat surface will accumulate stuff, which is why when I moved, I designed my room to have as few of them as possible. It forces me to clear off my workspace after almost every project (almost)…

I think your hubby would like to know that you are using his creation for its intended purpose so I would start there in clearing things…as they say, you can only eat an elephant one bite at a time, so be patient but steady.

I love the color of the room, the striped rug, and the beautiful light! It is a wonderful space to be able to use.


My friend was gifted some old quilts and she wanted some of them to be made into pillows. So, the rest of the quilt I turned into a tote bag using up some of my stash!


Awesome tote and story…just a very unique repurpose and the bag is much more useful…love it.


I used some of my precious Charlie Harper flamingo fabric given to me by @AIMR to make a pouch for me


Great! Now this is the kind of destashing I love to see…using the good stuff for yourself!!!


I really like the hanging closet organizer for yarn. (and, I hear you on the serger; I have used mine, but not in ages)

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@Edel love that pouch! An inside pocket with zipper is always handy! And using the good fabric for yourself is awesome.

@thanate it’s from the kids storage section at Ikea. Originally bought for kids storage but I always worried it would be pulled off the ceiling so now it’s mine!

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I got fabric out of my sewing room and onto a body! Three cheers for de-stashing!


I have been or plan on destashing my yarn supply by doing…
-Crocheting some special tree ornaments for next Xmas (yes, I DO get ready this early)
-Crocheting some items for charity (which I will post soon)
-Crocheting a blanket which I will pair with a vintage sheet to give to my BFF either for her birthday or next Xmas
-A shark blanket for another BFF who loves the cheesy shark movies on TV
-Making both DDs cake jars for their birthdays this spring
-And probably a bunch of other stuff that I had in my head and forgot already…

I’m too lazy right now to take a photo of my craft room, but it’s tiny, and everything has a place, although it looks crowded. It’s my happy space, not only because it houses all my materials, but also because I painted it a color that makes me smile, and it’s filled with items from all of you! :kissing:


The fact that you have enough yarn to do all these big projects to destash yarn amazes me.

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I am interested in seeing that shark blanket!

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