50 Projects, More or Less, 2021

holy moly, that is one adorable stuffie!


What to do when it is still too early to garden (frost still coming each week)
I dug a trench that the mower can still go over, and filled it with small stones.
It is now outlining the formerly nonexistent walkway leading to my door.
I initially did this because I erected a privacy screen so I did not have to look at the business going on across the road as i drank my morning coffee on the front stoop. But I wondered if the sudden appearance of such a blockage would confound the ups guy or something, hence the obvious path.

I did one side of the path curving around the screen for a bit as an invitation of sorts to go around and find the front door.


playing catch-up today, have not been listing stuff I have made!
Here is a photo of a sheep’s bone I found in the woods.

Lots of sheep fields surround this house and once in a blue moon, one succombs to a coyote. Hence, the bones.
I sanitized the bone and dried it for a couple of weeks.
Then the fun began.
My friend who has tons of yard art says purple is her fave color and this will be her birthday gift.
It looked so much like a spread-winged creature which influenced the way I painted it.
After the paint dried, I put two coats of glue on which hopefullly will keep it safe from weather for years.

thanks for looking!


That’s pretty neat. What a great paint job! That view is beautiful and makes for a really nice backdrop.


Hoo boy! I hit 48 this week and have about a half-dozen projects so far for May. YAY! I have some paper crafting, but have done quite a bit of sewing lately and that’s also been making me happy. Some stashbusting, too… woo! I do think I will make it to the 50 mark this month or early next which seems about on target as I generally come in around 100 for a year. It’s not a goal or anything, but tends to be about average and it’s interesting to me to take note of such things.


totally forgot to add this to my 50P list!


I love that project! So clever to use a throw away as a base and make it your own!


I made a pair of lederhosen for my son’s heritage festival costume. They fit - winning!


Yay! You put so much work into these- so glad they fit! They look great, too! Winning, indeed!


what a fine job you did on the lederhosen! So perfect and the white buttons really make it pop

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Thank you! I wanted to use blue buttons, but I didn’t have enough larger, matching ones in my stash. But, considering I didn’t have time to embellish with traditional embroidery, contrasting buttons were a nice upgrade.


I have lost track of how far along i am in this, but here is my next one.

A sheepdog named Bo watches over the flock in the fields above my home.
I visit him daily and decided to do a pen and ink of him.
Here is in on the trail that leads from the lower to the middle field.


I decorated a mug using oil/bake sharpies for my friend for her birthday.
Whenever I am doing freehand stuff, I never seem to be able to get both sides of the mirrored image to match.
Oh well


…my impression is that that’s most people. (definitely me) But your owl looks excellent as is.



The owl looks really well done! What a personal gift…aren’t you glad to be able to do such things for friends and family?

Awww…your friend looks like he is at the end of his shift, not at the beginning! They truly are working dogs!

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I finished my second project! My mom bought me two moose figurines to paint a few years ago. I finally finished the first one :grin:


He is so cute! Nice job painting…especially that fiddly birdhouse!

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He is super cute!

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