ALL NEW, REIMAGINED Harry Potter Craftalong - Spring 2024

Cool doll clothes! Tiny clothes are a challenge, too. I love that shaggy rainbow dollhouse rug. And I certainly think your I Spy BB should count. Bet it was fun for the kiddos!

Prompt/Challenge Title: Paddington Station
Project Name & Page Link: Sunshine & Rainbows Quilt
LC Contest/LC Swap/Charity Item: Donated to the Crafts Stars Garage Sale
Team: Witch Weekly
Brief Description:
This project will be sent in the post to a lucky Lettuce Crafter, after they win it in the eBay auction!


Moonflame- I love those lil’ shrugs. I also love they I Spy Board, I might need to make one for my classroom.
Mistress Jennie- That quilt is gorgeous!

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That quilt is gorgeous! (As all your quilts are.)


I love the colors in that afghan!

Prompt/Challenge Title: Madam Malkin’s
Project Name & Page Link: Needlefelted Strawberry (part of a magnet set)
Team: :cyclone: :sparkles: :cyclone: The Quibbler :cyclone: :sparkles: :cyclone:
Brief Description: I needlefelted a little strawberry to then make into a magnet.


Prompt/Challenge Title: Slug and Jigger’s
Project Name & Page Link: UV Resin Paw (part of a magnet set)
Team: :cyclone: :sparkles: :cyclone: The Quibbler :cyclone: :sparkles: :cyclone:
Brief Description: I used UV resin (which starts as a liquid) in several layers to create a paw which I then made into a magnet.


Prompt/Challenge Title: Crafter’s Choice
Project Name & Page Link: Wood-and-hardware robot (part of a magnet set)
Team: :cyclone: :sparkles: :cyclone: The Quibbler :cyclone: :sparkles: :cyclone:
Brief Description: I made a robot magnet out of mostly thrifted wood and some hardware I purchased from the antique store.


I love your magnets, @irid3sc3nt! That robot is especially cool.

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Love the robot! My grandfather used to make similar ones out of odds and ends from his workshop.

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Promt/Challenge Title: Hogwarts Castle
Project Name & Page Link: Janne’s birthday scarf Birthday scarf on a Cricket Loom
Team: Which Broomstick
Brief Description: Made a scarf for my mums boyfriend.For me, a new medium that I have never tried before, and I can say that Im hooked.


Gorgeous scarf!

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Prompt/Challenge Title: Privet Drive
Project Name & Page Link: Classic Favorite Washcloth
Team: Witch Weekly
Brief Description: I am in a craft slump. Life is trying right now, winter has been long… (boring whinging blah blah blah life blah you get the idea). This equally boring wash cloth is as mundane as they come- but the yarn is cheery and it has now been completely used up. I’ll take that win.


irid3sc3nt I love your little strawberry!
skrutt that scarf is amazing, great color choices and pattern.
AntBee I get the whole slump, hopefully crafting the lil’ projects like your cute washcloth with help kick you out of it.


Prompt/Challenge Title: Hogsmeade Station
Project Name & Page Link: Pinwheel Magnets from Recycled Cans
LC Contest/LC Swap/Charity Item: GALentine’s Swap
Team: Daily Prophet
Brief Description: These measure about 1x3 inches, so they are tiny! I’m so pleased that they actually spin when you blow on them.

Prompt/Challenge Title: Gringott’s
Project Name & Page Link: Upcycled Upholstery Sample Crossbody Bag
LC Contest/LC Swap/Charity Item: Make-a-Bag-and-Fill-It Swap
Team: Daily Prophet
Brief Description: The travel-themed upholstery sample that is the focal point of this bag has been in my stash for a number of years. I have always thought of it as “the good stuff” but never got around to making it into the spectacular bag I knew it was destined to be. Finally did it!

Prompt/Challenge Title: Crafter’s Choice
Project Name & Page Link: Mountains and Woodland Banner /Bunting
LC Contest/LC Swap/Charity Item: Charity Item for Cunningham Children’s Home Fundraising Event
Team: Daily Prophet
Brief Description: A local charity has an annual quilt show and craft sale, and I usually donate a few things every year. Hope this cheery banner brings a smile to the face of a parent and child.


Prompt/Challenge Title: Crafter’s Choice
Project Name & Page Link: Three Wrist Wraps for Charity Event
LC Contest/LC Swap/Charity Item: Charity Item for Cunningham Children’s Home Fundraising Event
Team: Daily Prophet
Brief Description: Made a few wrist wraps to donate to the cause.


Prompt/Challenge Title: Privet Drive
Project Name & Page Link: Rainbow Ort Catcher
Team: Which Broomstick
Brief Description: I’ve been taking embroidery projects as my travel craft for work travel, and I needed a better ort solution than just tossing them loose back into my project bag. :face_with_hand_over_mouth: I adapted my usual tea wallet pattern to a slightly larger size and banged this guy out - we’ll see if it’s fit for purpose the next time I fly.


What a great idea! I never can figure out how to organize my embroidery supplies.

Prompt/Challenge Title: Dudley’s Second Bedroom
Project Name & Page Link: Mending pants
Team: Witch Weekly
Brief Description: Kidlet is rough on the knees of her pants. Well, usually just the one side, specifically. I worked on getting them back into rotation in short order as I’m fairly certain a growth spurt is coming and they won’t be useful to her for long.


Visible mending is so cool! I love that!

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