Fiber and Textile Featured Member - storerboughtcreation

Most of us here on Lettuce Craft know the crochet master @storerboughtcreation, whether from her amazing mosaic crochet blankets in the Fiber & Textile category or from the popular Nerd Games Craftalong. I asked this prolific LC member more about her projects, her inspiration, and, well, herself!

:yarn: :sloth: :yarn: :sloth: :yarn: :sloth:

OK, first off, what is is the store-y (ha) behind your screen name? I have to admit that before this interview I always read it as “store bought” creations, but there’s a subtle difference. Please enlighten us!
When trying to come up with a name for myself as I was beginning to write crochet patterns and create a website, I struggled to think of a good name. My maiden name is Lyon, so I tried to think of fun names that weren’t already taken around that. While talking to my mom on the phone one day, she was like, “Why not do Storer Bought. You know… your last name makes it sound a lot like Store Bought!” I tacked on Creations, and my name was born! I did have to drop off the final S in my name when signing up for Lettuce Craft as it’s just one letter too long, but at least I got in most of it :grin:


You are clearly a crochet master now, but how did you get started?
Oh my goodness. Where to start? My maternal great grandmother crocheted, my paternal great grandmother crocheted, and my paternal grandmother crocheted. I got various gifts from them over the years, such as handmade Strawberry Shortcake dolls, various blankets, sweaters, Kewpie dolls. in outfits and with blankets… and those awesome items are only the crocheted ones I received. Because of the amazing gifts I was given, I wanted to learn how to crochet so very much.

From the ages of 2.5 to 8, I lived in Louisiana (on an Air Force Base near Shreveport), and we would drive every summer from Louisiana to Seattle, WA to visit family. We’d make various stops to visit friends and family along the way. Every year at the age of 5, 6, 7, and 8, each of my grandmas would try to teach me how to crochet. I failed miserably. When I moved back to the lower 48 from a 3 year stint in the Fairbanks, AK area, I tried learning again. I failed at the age of 11. I did learn how to knit that year though! I failed to learn crochet at the age of 14 when I attempted to learn again. I finally gave up and figured I would just be content with knowing how to knit.

Fast forward to 12 years later. I knit a poncho for my MIL as it was really cold where she was at the time, and her post polio made it difficult for her to put on a coat. We were visiting her, and I needed to sew up a seam and weave in ends to finish it off, but I didn’t have a craft needle with me. I went to Joanns to find one, and they had none on the shelves, except I noticed there was an “I Taught Myself Crochet!” book with hooks and a few notions included… including the craft needle I needed. I figured I would buy the kit, finish the poncho, and attempt to learn to crochet AGAIN. And wouldn’t you know it, five minutes after sitting down with that book, crochet FINALLY clicked, and I’ve been addicted ever since :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Your patterns are so fun and unique. How do you choose them?
On occasion I find yarn that just screams at me that it wants to be made into something specific, and so I find inspiration from that. But mostly I find inspiration for most of my projects in various crochet related Facebook groups I’m in, or through hours and hours of scrolling through Pinterest. My latest obsession has been mosaic crochet. A lady had posted she’d just released her new pattern in one of the groups I was part of, and it was a mosaic project. I was instantly hooked (ha! See what I did there?). I choose projects that I find visually pleasing and that make me happy, because that’s what crafting is all about for me :hearts:

On a related note, you often get to make patterns before they are released. How do you get the leg up?
After I made my second Sholach blanket, Abi, an amazing mosaic designer and creator of the Sholach pattern, put up a post in her Facebook group asking if anyone would like to test a dinosaur mosaic blanket. I signed up and she chose me as one of her testers. She has been keeping me supplied in amazing mosaic patterns to test ever since. The hardest part is having to wait to share photos until a pattern is released. :laughing:

You have mad skills in crochet, but that’s not your only craft! What other crafty endeavors do you love?
I love pyrography. I’ve only been doing wood burning for, oh geez, I guess it’s been two years now. I haven’t burned nearly as often as I would like to, but I’d love to burn more. I also love to do counted cross stitch, and on occasion I love to do crafty projects with plastic canvas.

Check out her Lettuce Craft Cross Stitch pattern here!

What is the most challenging project you have worked on, crochet or otherwise?
My ASL ABC blanket was one of my most challenging projects. I designed the charts from scratch and worked them up as I designed each one. I hadn’t heard of graphgans before and didn’t know it was a thing. I’ve learned quite a few things since I designed that blanket and would probably do it a little different now, but I loved the challenge. Of course, the biggest challenge with that blanket was weaving in all the ends in time to submit the blanket to the county fair. It took me over 20 hours to weave in all the ends. It ended up winning second place in the fair.

What is your favorite project that you have posted in the Fiber & Textile Category?
My second Sholach blanket I mentioned above is my favorite crochet project I’ve made, but my other favorite is the Rainbow Lion I cross stitched for my dad for Father’s Day one year. I love color, and there is certainly a lot of color in this piece!

What is your favorite project that someone else has posted in the Fiber & Textile Category?
Maybe I’m more than a little biased here, but @roler came to visit me right before the pandemic started, and I taught her how to crochet! She had been wanting to learn how to make amis for a while, and Cheetoh the Garden Eel is the first thing she made while she was visiting me. She has made so many amazing crocheted creations since, and it makes me happy to share my crochet obsession with her. There are soooooo many amazing creations posted in the Fiber & Textile category. It was hard to choose just one. Everyone in this community is so amazing! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

:yarn: :sloth: :yarn: :sloth: :yarn: :sloth:

Thank you so much for being such an awesome part of Lettuce Craft @storerboughtcreation!! Can’t wait to see what awesome projects you whip up next!


Thank you so much for choosing to feature me! I had a lot of fun answering your questions and looking through old projects. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


You forgot to ask how “how did you learn you were a wizard?” And “what advice do you have for mere yarn mortals” lol

Seriously though, this is a great interview of an interesting and lovely subject. Thanks for writing it up!


I say as you do @Abbeeroad , havent read the name of @storerboughtcreation right! Now I have! And it was great to get you know her a little more! :slight_smile:


Hahaha…LOVE these. I will have to consult you for future questions! :wink:


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Well, I didn’t get my letter to Hogwarts, sadly. But my advice is to either ask lots of questions or get creative in your searches for how to do xxx differently. A few things I learned along the way that I feel upped my crochet game significantly:

  1. How to start a project in the round with a magic ring
  2. How to do an invisible single crochet decrease (when working on amis, this is the best way to do decreases so they look nicer)
  3. Never be afraid to try a new technique. You may like it or hate it, but it never hurts to try!

I recently saw a video on Instagram with a different technique to try on my next ami. As soon as my torn rotator cuff allows me to crochet in the round again, I plan on giving it a go!


Thank you! I think 99% of people didn’t realize it was Storer Bought Creations and thought it was store bought. But that just means the play on words worked well I think :laughing:


It is so fun to learn more about our members. Knowing a bit of how you got interested in crochet and never gave up sure was inspiring! How great that you are also able to pass on your knowledge to others…I agree, @roler is a model student and I love her stuff as well!

I have to say, though, my head just explodes when I see your blankets. They are amazing and truly show your skills!

This is a fine interview, @Abbeeroad ! Thanks for this feature.


You’re amazing!


I so admire your creations; those blankets are just amazing!


Some seriously amazing projects!


What an awesome interview of an even more awesome member!


Not only is @storerboughtcreation an amazing artisan, but also an incredibly kind and funny person! I love seeing her work and I’m proud to consider her my friend.


I miss your face! Maybe one day we can do a video call and chat while crafting. Either one on one or in a group talk like we’ve done before :blush:


Sounds like a great idea! I miss your face, too!


You have so many amazing projects! We are so lucky to have you with us!


Everything you make is super professional looking and awesomely themed. I always loved that ASL blanket though, what an incredible treasure.