Welcome to the Happy Mail Craftalong Round Three!!!
Happy Mail is any mail sent/received with the sole purpose of making someone happy For this craftalong we’ll focus on crafted happy mail. Some crafty happy mail might be a handmade postcard, decorated envelope, handmade card or stationery, small crafted gift, etc.
There are no “rules” here! All participants are encouraged to share what you’re crafting/sending. Recipients are encouraged to say “thank you” but are not required to and there is no pressure to share pictures or send Happy Mail in return. It’s up to each person to play however makes them happiest Message each other to request addresses and feel free to chat away in the craftalong thread!
NEW for 2023 - I am taking a break from “hosting” the craftalong this year. This will be a casual year and I am trusting you all to behave!
Some fine print (bolded for your attention): We are all friends here! If you ever feel that you are not receiving your “fair share” of happy mail you might be in the wrong place All happy mail is given freely without the expectation of mail being sent in return. Ask each other for addresses, feel free to say “no”, and you share them at your own risk. This is not a swap! Lettuce Craft and myself take no responsibility if someone fails to send or delays sending anything There are no “points” or swap credit, this is all just for fun
Thanks for taking the time to set this up!
I will be popping in & out to chat and answer questions while @Reinikka takes a well-deserved break from hosting!
I thought I would re-post the themes from last year, just in case anyone likes using a theme… (actually, maybe I’ll post both of the past years’ themes as options!)
Thanks for playing along, and I need to get busy writing some happy mail this year!
I have bought/ been given quite a few stickers in the last few months, and need to use 'em!
January = In With the New!
February = Fuchsia/ Flamingo
March = Mustard/ Mushroom
April = Aubergine/ Showers
May = Gray/ Flowers
June = Jade/ To the Moon
July = Sky/ Picnic
August = Gold/ High Tea
September = Silver/ Sunrise
October = Autumn Showers Bring Quiet Cozy Hours/ Recipes/ Opposites
November = Nutmeg/ Gnome-vember
December = Dawn/ Out with the Old
I quite like the idea of mixing the past two years… some of those inspire me Mustard Mushroom, Sky Picnic, Silver Sunrise… I can’t wait to see how this year goes! I’ll still be around, I just like to have a break from updating the first post and keeping track of things By this time next year I should be transitioned/transitioning into a new routine with the kiddo in school and maybe having a day job again? Who knows! I’m hoping to make my crafty self more profitable so I can stay away from the nine-to-five… but we’ll see
I’m recommitting my efforts to my happy mail this year. I moved all my correspondence stuff to my writing desk upstairs and organized everything. Happy mail, here I come!
Hey friends, here’s hoping you all have a wonderful year of Happy Mail! Just a reminder that I stepped out of this swap last year and will not be joining again. Please know that while I hope any mail you get from me does indeed make you happy (yay! mail!), it’s not officially part of this craftalong and doesn’t need to be acknowledge here. Kindly do not add me to your Happy Mail recipient list, please, I can’t keep up with y’all! I will enjoy following along though, you are all amazing!
The same goes for me! I stepped out of the happy mail swap last year, but right now we are renovating our home and in temporary accomodation. We are not receiving mail right now. I hope the builders will set aside any mail that arrives but there’s no guarantee it will arrive & I think the likelihood of it getting lost is quite high.
When we were at the house between Christmas and NYE, I did find a whole pile of mail though! I put them in one of my bags and I haven’t found them back yet, but I’m going to search for it today. Everything is still a bit of chaos here but I’ve narrowed the options down to two bags. I’m sure it included mail from @madebyBeaG and @Lynx . I didn’t receive any christmas cards in december, and then suddenly after Christmas the mailman delivered a huge amount in one day.
A local 3rd grade class is participating in a project called “Hearts Around the World” where their goal is to get a card or postcard from as many of the cities/towns in Michigan, 50 states, and countries as possible.